(a) The provisions of this division apply to the following
units located at any major stationary source of nitrogen oxides (NOX ) located in Collin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis,
Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall, or Tarrant County:
(1) industrial, commercial, or institutional boilers
and process heaters;
(2) stationary gas turbines;
(3) stationary internal combustion engines;
(4) duct burners used in turbine exhaust ducts;
(5) lime kilns;
(6) metallurgical heat treating furnaces and reheat
(7) incinerators;
(8) glass, fiberglass, and mineral wool melting furnaces;
(9) fiberglass and mineral wool curing ovens;
(10) natural gas-fired ovens and heaters;
(11) natural gas-fired dryers used in organic solvent,
printing ink, clay, brick, ceramic tile, calcining, and vitrifying
(12) brick and ceramic kilns; and
(13) lead smelting reverberatory and blast (cupola)
(b) The provisions of this division apply to the following
units located at any major stationary source of NOX
located in Wise County:
(1) industrial, commercial, or institutional process
(2) stationary gas turbines; and
(3) stationary internal combustion engines.