(a) Credits. A student must earn at least 22 credits
to complete the Minimum High School Program.
(b) Core Courses. A student must demonstrate proficiency
in the following.
(1) English language arts--four credits. Three of the
credits must consist of English I, II, and III (Students with limited
English proficiency who are at the beginning or intermediate level
of English language proficiency, as defined by §74.4(d) of this
title (relating to English Language Proficiency Standards), may satisfy
the English I and English II graduation requirements by successfully
completing English I for Speakers of Other Languages and English II
for Speakers of Other Languages). The final credit may be selected
from the following courses:
(A) English IV;
(B) Research/Technical Writing;
(C) Creative/Imaginative Writing;
(D) Practical Writing Skills;
(E) Literary Genres;
(F) Business English;
(G) Journalism;
(H) Advanced Placement (AP) English Language and Composition;
(I) AP English Literature and Composition.
(2) Mathematics--three credits. Two of the credits
must consist of Algebra I and Geometry. The final credit may be selected
from the following courses:
(A) Algebra II;
(B) Precalculus;
(C) Mathematical Models with Applications;
(D) Independent Study in Mathematics;
(E) AP Statistics;
(F) AP Calculus AB;
(G) AP Calculus BC;
(H) AP Computer Science;
(I) International Baccalaureate (IB) Mathematical Studies
Standard Level;
(J) IB Mathematics Standard Level;
(K) IB Mathematics Higher Level;
(L) IB Further Mathematics Standard Level;
(M) Mathematical Applications in Agriculture, Food,
and Natural Resources;
(N) Engineering Mathematics;
(O) Statistics and Risk Management;
(P) Robotics Programming and Design;
(Q) Discrete Mathematics for Problem Solving;
(R) Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science; and
(S) Digital Electronics.
(3) Science--two credits. The credits must consist
of Biology and Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC). A student may
substitute Chemistry or Physics for IPC and then must use the second
of these two courses as the academic elective credit identified in
subsection (b)(6) of this section.
(4) Social studies--two and one-half credits. One and
one-half of the credits must consist of United States History Studies
Since Reconstruction (one credit) and United States Government (one-half
credit). The final credit may be selected from the following courses:
(A) World History Studies; and
(B) World Geography Studies.
(5) Economics, with emphasis on the free enterprise
system and its benefits--one-half credit. The credit must consist
of Economics with Emphasis on the Free Enterprise System and Its Benefits.
(6) Academic elective--one credit. The credit must
be selected from World History Studies, World Geography Studies, or
any science course approved by the State Board of Education (SBOE)
for science credit as found in Chapter 112 of this title (relating
to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Science). If a student
elects to replace IPC with either Chemistry or Physics as described
in subsection (b)(3) of this section, the academic elective must be
the other of these two science courses.
(7) Physical education--one credit.
(A) The required credit may be from any combination
of the following one-half to one credit courses:
(i) Foundations of Personal Fitness;
(ii) Adventure/Outdoor Education;
(iii) Aerobic Activities; and
(iv) Team or Individual Sports.
(B) In accordance with local district policy, credit
for any of the courses listed in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph
may be earned through participation in the following activities:
(i) Athletics;
(ii) Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC);
(iii) appropriate private or commercially-sponsored
physical activity programs conducted on or off campus. The district
must apply to the commissioner of education for approval of such programs,
which may be substituted for state graduation credit in physical education.
Such approval may be granted under the following conditions.
(I) Olympic-level participation and/or competition
includes a minimum of 15 hours per week of highly intensive, professional,
supervised training. The training facility, instructors, and the activities
involved in the program must be certified by the superintendent to
be of exceptional quality. Students qualifying and participating at
this level may be dismissed from school one hour per day. Students
dismissed may not miss any class other than physical education.
(II) Private or commercially-sponsored physical activities
include those certified by the superintendent to be of high quality
and well supervised by appropriately trained instructors. Student
participation of at least five hours per week must be required. Students
certified to participate at this level may not be dismissed from any
part of the regular school day.
(C) In accordance with local district policy, up to
one credit for any one of the courses listed in subparagraph (A) of
this paragraph may be earned through participation in any of the following
(i) Drill Team;
(ii) Marching Band; and
(iii) Cheerleading.
(D) All substitution activities allowed in subparagraphs
(B) and (C) of this paragraph must include at least 100 minutes per
five-day school week of moderate to vigorous physical activity.
(E) Credit may not be earned for any course identified
in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph more than once. No more than
four substitution credits may be earned through any combination of
substitutions allowed in subparagraphs (B) and (C) of this paragraph.
(8) Speech--one-half credit. The credit may be selected
from the following courses:
(A) Communication Applications; and
(B) Professional Communications.
(9) Fine arts--one credit, beginning with school year
2010-2011. A student entering Grade 9 beginning with the 2010-2011
school year must complete one credit in fine arts. The credit may
be selected from the following courses:
(A) Art, Level I, II, III, or IV;
(B) Dance, Level I, II, III, or IV;
(C) Music, Level I, II, III, or IV;
(D) Theatre, Level I, II, III, or IV; and
(E) Principles and Elements of Floral Design.
(c) Elective Courses--seven and one-half credits. The
credits must be selected from the list of courses specified in §74.61(j)
of this title (relating to High School Graduation Requirements).
(d) Elective courses, beginning with school year 2010-2011.
A student entering Grade 9 beginning with the 2010-2011 school year
must complete six and one-half credits of electives in addition to
one credit in fine arts. The credits must be selected from the list
of courses specified in §74.61(j) of this title.
Source Note: The provisions of this §74.62 adopted to be effective September 1, 2005, 29 TexReg 9357; amended to be effective August 23, 2010, 35 TexReg 5543; amended to be effective August 25, 2013, 38 TexReg 5469; amended to be effective August 25, 2014, 39 TexReg 639 |