(a) The Choose Life Advisory Committee is created by §402.037
of the Government Code. The attorney general shall appoint a seven-member
Choose Life Advisory Committee.
(b) The committee shall:
(1) meet at least twice a year or as called by the
attorney general;
(2) assist the attorney general in developing rules
under §402.036(e) of the Government Code; and
(3) review and make recommendations to the attorney
general on applications submitted to the attorney general for grants
funded with money credited to the Choose Life account.
(c) Members of the committee serve without compensation
and are not entitled to reimbursement for expenses. Each member serves
a term of four years, with the terms of three or four members expiring
on January 31 of each odd-numbered year.
(d) Chapter 2110 of the Government Code does not apply
to the committee.
(e) The OAG shall consider the recommendations of the
committee before making grant decisions.