(a) Purpose. Each birth registrar holding an active
certification and registering births in this state is required to
participate in continuing education as a condition of certification
(b) Credit hours required.
(1) Birth registrars who actively register births in
this state are required to obtain 8 hours of continuing education
every two-year renewal period. A birth registrar may receive credit
for a course only once during a renewal period.
(2) The following are mandatory continuing education
hours and subjects for each renewal period.
(A) Electronic Registration - 1 credit hours. This
course must at least cover principals of electronic birth registration
for this state.
(B) Other training - 7 credit hours. These approved
courses should cover laws, rules, best practices, policies and procedures
relevant to the registration of births in this state.
(3) It is the responsibility of the licensee to track
the number of hours accumulated during a certification period.
(4) Failure to comply. The Vital Statistics Unit will
not renew the certification of an individual who fails to obtain the
continuing education requirements of this section.
(5) Any birth registrar receiving credit for continuing
education obtained fraudulently shall be reported and/or investigated
by the State Registrar or the State Registrar's representative and,
if necessary, shall report a violation of this section to the appropriate
district or county attorney for prosecution.