(a) The Coordinating Board shall, through an established
tracking system, acquire and maintain data regarding the initial residency
program choices made by graduates of medical schools in this state
and the initial practice choices made by persons completing medical
residency programs in this state.
(b) The tracking system shall:
(1) use any data reasonably available to the Coordinating
Board, including data maintained by or accessible to medical schools
or residency programs in this state; and
(2) with respect to a person who completes a medical
residency program in this state, collect relevant information for
the two-year period following completion of that program.
(c) General academic and public and private health
related institutions with a program in medicine or osteopathic medicine
shall provide to the Coordinating Board, on a yearly basis, data regarding
the initial residency program choices made by their graduates unless
otherwise directed by the Coordinating Board.