(a) The people of Texas expect juvenile justice professionals
to exhibit honesty and respect for the dignity and individuality of
human beings and display a commitment to professional and compassionate
(b) As described by §344.810 and §349.307
of this title, TJJD may take disciplinary action against the certification
or deny certification of a juvenile justice professional who is found
by TJJD to have violated the code of ethics.
(c) Juvenile justice professionals must adhere to the
following code of ethics principles:
(1) Juvenile justice professionals must:
(A) abide by all federal laws, federal guidelines and
rules, state laws, and TJJD administrative rules;
(B) respect the authority and follow the directives
of the juvenile court and governing juvenile board;
(C) respect and protect the legal rights of all juveniles
and their parents and/or guardians;
(D) serve each child with concern for the child's welfare
and with no expectation of personal gain;
(E) respect the significance of all elements of the
justice and human services systems and cultivate professional cooperation
with each segment;
(F) respect and consider the right of the public to
be safeguarded from the effects of juvenile delinquency;
(G) be diligent in their responsibility to record and
make available for review any and all information that could contribute
to sound decisions affecting a child or public safety;
(H) report without reservation any corrupt or unethical
behavior that could affect a juvenile or the integrity of the juvenile
justice system;
(I) maintain the integrity and confidentiality of juvenile
information, not seek more information than needed to perform their
duties, and not reveal information to any person who does not have
authorized access to the information for a proper, professional use;
(J) treat all juveniles and their families with courtesy,
consideration, and dignity.
(2) Juvenile justice professionals must not:
(A) use their official position to secure privileges
or advantages;
(B) permit personal interest to impair the impartial
and objective exercise of professional responsibilities;
(C) accept gifts, favors, or other advantages that
could give the appearance of impropriety or impair the impartial and
objective exercise of professional responsibilities;
(D) maintain or give the appearance of maintaining
an inappropriate relationship with a juvenile, including, but not
limited to, bribery or solicitation or acceptance of gifts, favors,
or services from juveniles or their families;
(E) discriminate against any employee, juvenile, parent,
or guardian on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, disability, national
origin, religion, sexual orientation, political belief, or socioeconomic
(F) misuse government property or resources or use
personal property or funds belonging to a juvenile;
(G) be designated as a perpetrator in an abuse, exploitation,
and neglect investigation conducted by TJJD under Chapter 350 of this
title and Texas Family Code Chapter 261;
(H) interfere with or hinder any abuse, exploitation,
and neglect investigation, including a criminal investigation conducted
by law enforcement or an investigation conducted under Chapter 350
and Chapter 358 of this title or Texas Family Code Chapter 261;
(I) deliver into or remove from the grounds of a juvenile
facility, program, or department any item of contraband or possess
or control any item of contraband beyond the time period required
to immediately report and deliver the item to the proper authority
within the facility, program, or department;
(J) use violence or unnecessary force and must use
only the amount and type of force reasonably necessary and appropriate
when justified to ensure the security of juveniles or of the facility,
program, or department; or
(K) falsify or make material omissions to governmental