(a) General requirements. Students shall be awarded
one credit for successful completion of this course. This course cannot
be considered a part of the coherent sequence of languages other than
English (LOTE) courses required for any endorsement. This course will
not count as a level II LOTE course. Students who desire to continue
with LOTE study will need to take level II or higher LOTE courses.
This course may be substituted for a level II LOTE course upon approval
(1) the student's level I LOTE classroom teacher, the
principal or designee, and the student's parent or person standing
in parental relation who determine that the student is not likely
to be successful in a level II LOTE course;
(2) the student's admission, review, and dismissal
(ARD) committee if the student receives special education services
under the Texas Education Code (TEC), Chapter 29, Subchapter A; or
(3) the committee established for the student under
Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 United States Code, §794)
if the student does not receive special education services under the
TEC, Chapter 29, Subchapter A, but is covered by the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973.
(b) Introduction.
(1) The study of world languages is an essential part
of education. In the 21st century language classroom, students gain
an understanding of two basic aspects of human existence: the nature
of communication and the complexity of culture. Students become aware
of multiple perspectives and means of expression, which lead to an
appreciation of difference and diversity. Further benefits of foreign
language study include stronger cognitive development, increased creativity,
and divergent thinking. Students who effectively communicate in more
than one language, with an appropriate understanding of cultural context,
are globally literate and possess the attributes of successful participants
in the world community.
(2) Communication is the overarching goal of world
language instruction. Students should be provided ample opportunities
to engage in conversations, to present information to an audience,
and to interpret culturally authentic materials in the language of
study. The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
identifies three modes of communication: interpersonal, interpretive,
and presentational.
(A) In the interpersonal mode of communication, students
engage in direct oral, written, or signed communication with others.
Examples of this "two-way" communication include but are not limited
to conversing face to face, participating in digital discussions and
messaging, and exchanging personal letters.
(B) In the interpretive mode of communication, students
demonstrate understanding of spoken, written, or signed communication
within appropriate cultural contexts. Examples of this type of "one-way"
reading or listening include but are not limited to comprehension
of digital texts as well as print, audio, or visual materials.
(C) In the presentational mode of communication, students
present orally, in writing, or in sign, information, concepts, and
ideas to an audience of listeners or readers with whom there is no
immediate interaction. Examples of this "one-to-many" mode of communication
include but are not limited to a signing or presenting orally to a
group; creating and posting digital content; or writing reports, compositions,
or articles for a magazine or newspaper.
(3) The use of age-level appropriate and culturally
authentic resources is imperative to support the teaching of the essential
knowledge and skills for LOTE. The use of culturally authentic resources
in world language study enables students to make connections with
other content areas, to compare the language and culture studied with
their own, and to participate in local and global communities.
(4) In the Special Topics in Language and Culture course,
students demonstrate novice level communication skills acquired in
a LOTE level I course, develop a greater understanding of other cultures,
make connections to other disciplines, draw comparisons between languages
and cultures, and effectively engage in global communities. Students
enhance their personal and public lives, and meet the career demands
of the 21st century, by gaining insight into other world languages
and cultures.
(5) Statements containing the word "including" reference
content that must be mastered, while those containing the phrase "such
as" are intended as possible illustrative examples.
(c) Knowledge and skills.
(1) Communication. The student communicates an understanding
of the elements of languages. The student is expected to:
(A) introduce self and others using basic, culturally-appropriate
(B) ask simple questions and provide simple responses
related to personal preferences; and
(C) exchange essential information about self, family,
and familiar topics.
(2) Cultures. The student identifies the practices,
products, and perspectives of selected cultures. The student is expected
(A) identify and describe selected cultural practices
and perspectives such as traditions, daily life, and celebrations;
(B) examine significant historic and contemporary influences
from the cultures studied such as explorers, artists, musicians, and
athletes; and
(C) describe various products across cultures such
as food, shelter, clothing, transportation, sports and recreation,
music, art, and dance.
(3) Connections. The student describes connections
between world languages and other disciplines. The student is expected
(A) use authentic materials such as maps, graphs, graphic
organizers, and other print and visual materials or literature to
reinforce comprehension and expression of basic vocabulary in the
target language; and
(B) research and present information on historical
and contemporary cultural influences.
(4) Comparisons. The student develops insight into
the nature of the target language and culture by comparing the student's
own language and culture to another. The student is expected to:
(A) compare and contrast selected cultural practices
and perspectives such as traditions, daily life, and celebrations
to student's own culture;
(B) give examples of cognates, false cognates, idiomatic
expressions, or sentence structure to show understanding of how languages
are alike and different; and
(C) demonstrate how media such as television, Internet,
newspapers, and advertisements represent selected cultural similarities
and differences.
(5) Communities. The student gains an understanding
of cultures represented by LOTE to enhance global perspective, personal
growth, and enrichment. The student is expected to:
(A) participate in cultural events in local, global,
or online communities and discuss experiences and perspectives gained;
(B) research careers in which cross-cultural awareness
or LOTE language skills are needed; and
(C) describe how cultural awareness impacts personal