(a) A public school district or charter school, institution
of higher education, regional education service center, or other entity
shall apply for approval to serve as a Texas Virtual School Network
(TxVSN) course provider in the statewide course catalog and/or the
Online School (OLS) program in accordance with guidelines established
by the Texas Education Agency.
(b) The commissioner of education may revoke the right
to participation in the TxVSN based on any of the following factors:
(1) noncompliance with relevant state or federal laws
or TxVSN reporting requirements;
(2) noncompliance with requirements and assurances
outlined in the contractual agreements with TxVSN central operations
and/or the provisions of this subsection and the Texas Education Code,
Chapter 30A; or
(3) consistently poor student performance rates as
evidenced by results on statewide student assessments, student withdrawal
rates, student completion rates, successful completion rates, or campus
accountability ratings.