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RULE §65.61Inspection of All Boilers Required

(a) All boilers not exempted by Texas Health and Safety Code, §755.022 shall be inspected in accordance with Texas Health and Safety Code, §755.025, §755.026, or any applicable rules under this chapter.

(b) All boilers must receive a certificate inspection before the expiration date of the current certificate of operation.

(c) Boilers must be inspected by the Authorized Inspection Agency that issued an insurance policy to cover a boiler located in this state, or by an authorized representative. All other boilers must be inspected by the department.

  (1) The Authorized Inspection Agency must conduct a certificate inspection for each boiler for which it is responsible before the expiration of the boiler's current certificate of operation.

  (2) The continued operation of the boiler beyond the expiration of the certificate of operation is presumed in accordance with §65.200.

  (3) The Authorized Inspection Agency listed in the department's reporting system that fails to timely inspect a boiler for which it is responsible is subject to the late inspection fee in §65.300 if the current certificate of operation expires while the Authorized Inspection Agency has inspection responsibility.

  (4) The owner or operator of a boiler that does not receive a certificate inspection before the expiration of the current certificate of operation is subject to the late inspection fee in §65.300.

  (5) An Authorized Inspection Agency that is denied access to a boiler for inspection purposes is not responsible for a late inspection fee under paragraph (c)(3). A denied-access violation of §65.62(a) must be documented on the inspection report.

(d) Upon request, an Authorized Inspection Agency must provide the department documentation of the effective dates of its inspection responsibility for a boiler.

(e) Subsections (c)(3) and (c)(4) apply to boilers for which the certificate of operation expires on or after December 1, 2025.

(f) Except in the case of an accident or other emergency, no inspection will be made by the chief inspector or any deputy inspector on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, unless otherwise directed by the department.

Source Note: The provisions of this §65.61 adopted to be effective June 15, 2015, 40 TexReg 3121; amended to be effective December 1, 2024, 49 TexReg 9511

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