The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) Appropriate Authorities (for the purposes of certification of the petition)--The independent school district board of trustees, county school board or boards, or commissioners' court or courts as outlined under §8.30 of this title (relating to Legality of the Petition). (2) Board or Coordinating Board--The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. (3) Branch Campuses of Community College Districts--Operate as out-of-district units of existing community college districts and provide programs as defined in Texas Education Code, Chapter 130 and set out in §8.25 of this title (relating to Provisions Applicable to Each Type of District) on an ongoing and permanent basis. (4) Certificate Programs--Workforce programs designed for entry-level employment or for upgrading skills and knowledge within an occupation. Certificate programs serve as building blocks and exit points for associate of applied science degree programs. (5) Commissioner of Higher Education or Commissioner--The chief executive officer of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. (6) Continuing Education Unit or CEU--Ten contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction, as outlined in the Guidelines for Instructional Programs in Workforce Education. (7) Extension Center or Extension Facility--Any single or multiple location other than the main campus of a community college district and outside the boundaries of the taxing authority of a community college district. Extension centers and extension facilities are subject to Chapter 4, Subchapter E. of this title (relating to Approval of Distance Education and Off-Campus Instruction for Public Colleges and Universities). (8) Full-time Equivalent Students (FTE)--The total number of semester credit hours reported by an institution for a long term divided by 15 semester credit hours, or total reported annually divided by 30; and for continuing education courses, the total number of contact hours reported quarterly by an institution divided by 300, or total reported annually divided by 900. (9) Governing Board--The body charged with policy direction of any public community college district, the technical college system, public state college, public senior college or university, or other educational agency, including but not limited to boards of directors, boards of regents, boards of trustees, and independent school district boards. (10) Gross Fiscal Mismanagement--Includes: (A) failure to keep adequate fiscal records; (B) failure to maintain proper control over assets; (C) failure to discharge fiscal obligations in a timely manner; and (D) misuse of state funds. (11) Inactive Public Community College--A public community college district that has failed to establish and maintain a community college within three years from the date of its authorization. (12) Public Community College--Any public junior college or public community college as defined in Texas Education Code, §§61.003 and 130.005, and whose role, mission, and purpose is outlined in Texas Education Code, §§130.0011 and 130.003. (13) Scholastic Population of a Proposed Community College District--All students enrolled in K-12 for the area to be included in the district. (14) State Conservatorship Board--Appointed by the Governor with the consent of the Senate and has the authority, when appointed as conservator of an agency, to: (A) terminate the employment of any employee whose conduct the board determines contributed to the condition that caused the conservatorship; (B) employ personnel for the agency; (C) change the agency's organization or structure as necessary to alleviate the conditions that caused the conservatorship; and (D) contract with persons for management or administrative services necessary to effect the conservatorship. (15) Technical Courses or Programs--Workforce education courses or programs for which semester/quarter credit hours are awarded. (16) Vocational Courses or Programs--Workforce education courses or programs for which continuing education units (CEUs) are awarded. (17) Workforce Continuing Education Course--A course offered for continuing education units (CEUs) with an occupationally specific objective and supported by state funding. A workforce continuing education course differs from a community service course offered for recreational or avocational purposes and is not supported by state funding. (18) Workforce Education--Technical courses and programs for which semester/quarter credit hours are awarded, and vocational courses and programs for which continuing education units are awarded. Technical and vocational courses and programs prepare students for immediate employment or job upgrade within specific occupational categories. |