(a) Disciplinary seclusion may be imposed only for
a major rule violation proved in a formal disciplinary review.
(b) Disciplinary seclusion shall not be issued to a
resident with a known diagnosis of:
(1) a serious mental illness; or
(2) severe or profound intellectual disability.
(c) A mental health provider shall be consulted before
disciplinary seclusion is imposed if the resident has a current designation
as moderate or high risk for suicide.
(d) Disciplinary seclusion shall be limited to 48 hours
in duration. The time a resident spends in disciplinary seclusion
shall be counted from the time he/she is placed in disciplinary seclusion
until the time he/she is formally released from disciplinary seclusion.
The time shall be continuous and include program and non-program hours.
(e) The formal disciplinary review and appeal process
as detailed in §§343.276, 343.280, and 343.282 of this title
shall apply to residents placed in disciplinary seclusion.
(f) While a resident is in disciplinary seclusion,
a juvenile supervision officer shall personally observe and record
the resident's behavior at random intervals not to exceed 15 minutes
unless supervision requirements in §343.348 or §343.350
of this title apply.