(a) Individuals licensed under the Act may participate
in hearing screening.
(b) Hearing screening shall be performed and interpreted
as follows.
(1) Use a screening level of 25 dB HL (ANSI, 1996)
for pre-kindergarten and kindergarten, and 20 dB HL (ANSI, 1996) for
grades 1 through 12, at the frequencies of 1,000, 2,000, and 4,000
hertz (Hz) in both ears.
(2) The criterion for failure is no response at the
screening level at any one frequency in either ear.
(3) Screening failures shall be followed with a second
pure-tone air conduction screening utilizing the same protocol within
four weeks.
(c) If the second pure-tone air conduction screening
is failed, a recommendation shall be made for a professional evaluation
by a licensed physician or a licensed audiologist. If the person screened
was a minor, the recommendation shall be made to a parent or guardian.