(a) A registration issued under this chapter expires
two years from the date of issuance.
(b) To renew a registration, an applicant must:
(1) submit a completed department-approved renewal
(2) complete the continuing education requirement in §119.27;
(3) submit the required fees; and
(4) successfully pass a criminal history background
check performed by the department.
(c) A registrant must renew the registration every
two years, as determined by the department. A sanitarian in training
may only renew the registration once, for a total of four years.
(d) Each registrant is responsible for renewing the
registration before the expiration date and shall not be excused from
paying the renewal fee. Failure to receive notification from the department
prior to the expiration date of the registration will not excuse the
sanitarian from renewing.
(e) Registration Expiration. A person whose registration
has expired may not claim to be a sanitarian or sanitarian in training
or use the titles "sanitarian" or "sanitarian in training".