(a) Each state agency must make a reasonable effort
to ensure that Spanish-speaking persons of limited English proficiency
can meaningfully access state agency website information in accordance
with provisions of Texas Government Code §2054.116.
(b) To facilitate the use of state websites by people
with limited English proficiency, in addition to English language
content, and the provisions set forth in subsection (a) of this section,
agencies should consider providing the content of their websites in
the primary language or languages used by the people using the website.
(c) An agency should use reasonable efforts in determining
the parts of its website that should be translated into languages
in addition to English. An agency should consider:
(1) the number or proportion of people in the eligible
service population with limited English proficiency;
(2) the frequency with which those individuals contact
the program;
(3) the importance of the services provided; and
(4) the resources available to the recipient agency
and costs.