(a) Service interruptions.
(1) Every utility or water supply or sewer service
corporation shall make all reasonable efforts to prevent interruptions
of service. When interruptions occur, the utility shall reestablish
service within the shortest possible time.
(2) Each utility shall make reasonable provisions to
meet emergencies resulting from failure of service, and each utility
shall issue instructions to its employees covering procedures to be
followed in the event of emergency in order to prevent or mitigate
interruption or impairment of service.
(3) In the event of national emergency or local disaster
resulting in disruption of normal service, the utility may, in the
public interest, interrupt service to other customers to provide necessary
service to civil defense or other emergency service agencies on a
temporary basis until normal service to these agencies can be restored.
(b) Record of interruption. Except for momentary interruptions
due to automatic equipment operations, each utility shall keep a complete
record of all interruptions, both emergency and scheduled. This record
shall show the cause for interruptions, date, time, duration, location,
approximate number of customers affected, and, in cases of emergency
interruptions, the remedy and steps taken to prevent recurrence.