(a) This chapter is intended to apply solely to the
administration of the Crime Victims' Compensation Act (CVCA), Texas
Code of Criminal Procedure Chapter 56, Articles 56.06, 56.065, and
Subchapter B. The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) adopts this
chapter consistent with the CVCA and the authority granted under Texas
Code of Criminal Procedure Articles 56.33(a) and 56.42(c).
(b) To assure a just determination for every application
submitted to the OAG for compensation by victims of crime, this chapter
will be given its most reasonable meaning taken in their total context,
and will be construed to secure a just resolution or decision for
every controversy.
(c) If good cause is established to show that compliance
with this chapter may result in an injustice to any interested person,
the chapter may be suspended at the discretion of the OAG.
(d) All ranges of calendar dates shall be inclusive
of the listed dates. Unless otherwise provided by law, all applications
shall be governed by the statutes in effect on the date of the criminally
injurious conduct or the date of the forensic medical examination
for emergency medical care applications.
(e) All prior rules promulgated by the OAG in the administration
of the CVCA shall continue in effect for the administration of applications
arising out of criminally injurious conduct during the effective period
of such prior rules.
(f) This chapter shall be liberally construed to promote
fairness, due process and the interests of justice.
Source Note: The provisions of this §61.1 adopted to be effective December 15, 2002, 27 TexReg 11513; amended to be effective October 30, 2014, 39 TexReg 8373; amended to be effective August 20, 2017, 42 TexReg 3961 |