(a) Statutory authority. The Sickle Cell Task Force
(Task Force) is established in accordance with Texas Health and Safety
Code Chapter 52.
(b) Purpose. The Task Force advises the Texas Department
of State Health Services (DSHS) to raise awareness of sickle cell
disease and sickle cell trait.
(c) Duties. The Task Force performs duties outlined
in Texas Health and Safety Code Chapter 52.
(d) Reporting requirements. By December 1 of each year,
the Task Force must submit a written report to the Governor and the
Legislature. The report must summarize the Task Force's work and include
any recommended actions or policy changes endorsed by the Task Force.
(e) Membership.
(1) The Task Force is composed of seven members appointed
by the Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) Executive Commissioner.
Membership shall consist of:
(A) two members from community-based organizations
with experience addressing the needs of individuals with sickle cell
(B) two physicians specializing in hematology;
(C) two members of the public, each of whom either
has sickle cell disease or is a parent of a person with sickle cell
disease or trait; and
(D) one representative of a health-related institution.
(2) Members are appointed for staggered two-year terms
so that the terms of an equal or almost equal number of members expire
on August 31 of each year. Regardless of the term limit, a member
serves until his or her replacement has been appointed. This ensures
sufficient, appropriate representation.
(3) If a vacancy occurs, the HHS Executive Commissioner
appoints a person to serve the unexpired portion of that term.
(f) Bylaws. The Task Force shall adopt bylaws governing
Task Force operations.
(g) Officers. The Task Force selects a chair and a
vice chair of the Task Force from its members. The chair and vice
chair serve a two-year term as an officer.
(1) The chair serves until August 31 of each odd-numbered
year. The vice chair serves until August 31 of each even-numbered
(2) A member serves no more than two consecutive terms
as chair or vice chair. A chair or vice chair may not serve beyond
their membership term.
(h) Required training. Each member shall complete all
training on relevant statutes and rules, including this section and
Chapters 551 and 552.
(i) Travel reimbursement. To the extent permitted by
the current General Appropriations Act, and if funds are appropriated
and available, a member of the Task Force may be reimbursed for the
member's travel to and from meetings in accordance with the HHS Travel
(j) Date of abolishment. In accordance with Texas Government
Code §2110.008(b), the Task Force shall be abolished August 31,