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RULE §291.33Operational Standards

(a) Licensing requirements.

  (1) A Class A pharmacy shall register annually or biennially with the board on a pharmacy license application provided by the board, following the procedures as specified in §291.1 of this title (relating to Pharmacy License Application).

  (2) A Class A pharmacy which changes ownership shall notify the board within ten days of the change of ownership and apply for a new and separate license as specified in §291.3 of this title (relating to Required Notifications).

  (3) A Class A pharmacy which changes location and/or name shall notify the board as specified in §291.3 of this title.

  (4) A Class A pharmacy owned by a partnership or corporation which changes managing officers shall notify the board in writing of the names of the new managing officers within ten days of the change, following the procedures as specified in §291.3 of this title.

  (5) A Class A pharmacy shall notify the board in writing within ten days of closing, following the procedures as specified in §291.5 of this title (relating to Closing a Pharmacy).

  (6) A separate license is required for each principal place of business and only one pharmacy license may be issued to a specific location.

  (7) A fee as specified in §291.6 of this title (relating to Pharmacy License Fees) will be charged for the issuance and renewal of a license and the issuance of an amended license.

  (8) A Class A pharmacy, licensed under the provisions of the Act, §560.051(a)(1), which also operates another type of pharmacy which would otherwise be required to be licensed under the Act, §560.051(a)(2) concerning Nuclear Pharmacy (Class B), is not required to secure a license for such other type of pharmacy; provided, however, such licensee is required to comply with the provisions of Subchapter C of this chapter (relating to Nuclear Pharmacy (Class B)), to the extent such sections are applicable to the operation of the pharmacy.

  (9) A Class A pharmacy engaged in the compounding of non-sterile preparations shall comply with the provisions of §291.131 of this title (relating to Pharmacies Compounding Non-Sterile Preparations).

  (10) A Class A pharmacy shall not compound sterile preparations.

  (11) A Class A pharmacy engaged in the provision of remote pharmacy services, including storage and dispensing of prescription drugs, shall comply with the provisions of §291.121 of this title (relating to Remote Pharmacy Services).

  (12) Class A pharmacy engaged in centralized prescription dispensing and/or prescription drug or medication order processing shall comply with the provisions of §291.123 of this title (relating to Central Prescription Drug or Medication Order Processing) and/or §291.125 of this title (relating to Centralized Prescription Dispensing).

(b) Environment.

  (1) General requirements.

    (A) The pharmacy shall be arranged in an orderly fashion and kept clean. All required equipment shall be clean and in good operating condition.

    (B) A Class A pharmacy shall have a sink with hot and cold running water within the pharmacy, exclusive of restroom facilities, available to all pharmacy personnel and maintained in a sanitary condition.

    (C) A Class A pharmacy which serves the general public shall contain an area which is suitable for confidential patient counseling.

      (i) Such counseling area shall be:

        (I) easily accessible to both patient and pharmacists and not allow patient access to prescription drugs; and

        (II) designed to maintain the confidentiality and privacy of the pharmacist/patient communication.

      (ii) In determining whether the area is suitable for confidential patient counseling and designed to maintain the confidentiality and privacy of the pharmacist/patient communication, the board may consider factors such as the following:

        (I) the proximity of the counseling area to the check-out or cash register area;

        (II) the volume of pedestrian traffic in and around the counseling area;

        (III) the presence of walls or other barriers between the counseling area and other areas of the pharmacy; and

        (IV) any evidence of confidential information being overheard by persons other than the patient or patient's agent or the pharmacist or agents of the pharmacist.

    (D) The pharmacy shall be properly lighted and ventilated.

    (E) The temperature of the pharmacy shall be maintained within a range compatible with the proper storage of drugs. The temperature of the refrigerator shall be maintained within a range compatible with the proper storage of drugs requiring refrigeration.

    (F) Animals, including birds and reptiles, shall not be kept within the pharmacy and in immediately adjacent areas under the control of the pharmacy. This provision does not apply to fish in aquariums, service animals accompanying disabled persons, or animals for sale to the general public in a separate area that is inspected by local health jurisdictions.

    (G) If the pharmacy has flammable materials, the pharmacy shall have a designated area for the storage of flammable materials. Such area shall meet the requirements set by local and state fire laws.

  (2) Security.

    (A) Each pharmacist while on duty shall be responsible for the security of the prescription department, including provisions for effective control against theft or diversion of prescription drugs, and records for such drugs.

    (B) The prescription department shall be locked by key, combination or other mechanical or electronic means to prohibit unauthorized access when a pharmacist is not on-site except as provided in subparagraphs (C) and (D) of this paragraph and paragraph (3) of this subsection. The following is applicable:

      (i) If the prescription department is closed at any time when the rest of the facility is open, the prescription department must be physically or electronically secured. The security may be accomplished by means such as floor to ceiling walls; walls, partitions, or barriers at least 9 feet 6 inches high; electronically monitored motion detectors; pull down sliders; or other systems or technologies that will secure the pharmacy from unauthorized entrance when the pharmacy is closed. Pharmacies licensed prior to June 1, 2009, shall be exempt from this provision unless the pharmacy changes location. Change of location shall include the relocation of the pharmacy within the licensed address. A pharmacy licensed prior to June 1, 2009 that files a change of ownership but does not change location shall be exempt from the provisions.

      (ii) The pharmacy's key, combination, or other mechanical or electronic means of locking the pharmacy may not be duplicated without the authorization of the pharmacist-in-charge or owner.

      (iii) At a minimum, the pharmacy must have a basic alarm system with off-site monitoring and perimeter and motion sensors. The pharmacy may have additional security by video surveillance camera systems.

    (C) Prior to authorizing individuals to enter the prescription department, the pharmacist-in-charge or owner may designate persons who may enter the prescription department to perform functions, other than dispensing functions or prescription processing, documented by the pharmacist-in-charge including access to the prescription department by other pharmacists, pharmacy personnel and other individuals. The pharmacy must maintain written documentation of authorized individuals other than individuals employed by the pharmacy who accessed the prescription department when a pharmacist is not on-site.

    (D) Only persons designated either by name or by title including such titles as "relief" or "floater" pharmacist, in writing by the pharmacist-in-charge may unlock the prescription department except in emergency situations. An additional key to or instructions on accessing the prescription department may be maintained in a secure location outside the prescription department for use during an emergency or as designated by the pharmacist-in-charge.

    (E) Written policies and procedures for the pharmacy's security shall be developed and implemented by the pharmacist-in-charge and/or the owner of the pharmacy. Such policies and procedures may include quarterly audits of controlled substances commonly abused or diverted; perpetual inventories for the comparison of the receipt, dispensing, and distribution of controlled substances; monthly reports from the pharmacy's wholesaler(s) of controlled substances purchased by the pharmacy; opening and closing procedures; product storage and placement; and central management oversight.

  (3) Temporary absence of pharmacist.

    (A) On-site supervision by pharmacist.


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