(a) The original food manager certificate shall be
posted in the food establishment in a location that is conspicuous
to consumers.
(b) Except as specified in subsection (c) of this section,
a certified food protection manager shall be present at the food establishment
during all hours of operation as required in Food Code, §2-101.11
and §2-102.12.
(c) Food establishments deemed by the regulatory authority
to pose minimal risk of causing, or contributing to, foodborne illness
based on the nature of the operation and extent of food preparation,
such as but not limited to:
(1) establishments that handle only prepackaged food
and do not package food;
(2) establishments that do not prepare or handle exposed
Time/Temperature Control for Safety (TCS); or
(3) temporary food establishments are exempt from the
requirements in subsection (b) of this section.
(d) All food employees, except for the certified food
protection manager, shall successfully complete an accredited food
handler training course, within 30 days of employment. This requirement
does not apply to temporary food establishments.
(e) The food establishment shall maintain on premises
a certificate of completion of the food handler training course for
each food employee.