(a) Competency of inspectors. An individual conducting
inspections of retail food establishments should be a Registered Professional
Sanitarian in Texas or a Sanitarian-in-Training in Texas, as defined
in 16 TAC Chapter 119, or should meet the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards basic
curriculum and field training elements in order to:
(1) assure application of basic scientific principles,
including Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point principles of food
safety, during inspections;
(2) properly conduct foodborne illness investigations;
(3) assure uniformity in the interpretations of this
chapter; and
(4) assure fair and uniform enforcement of this chapter.
(b) Verification and documentation of correction. In
the case of temporary food establishments, all priority and priority
foundation items must be corrected immediately, and other violations
must be corrected within 24 hours or sooner if required by the regulatory
authority. If violations are not corrected, the establishment shall
immediately cease food operations upon execution of an Emergency Suspension
or Closing Order until authorized to resume by the regulatory authority.