(a) In addition to this subchapter, except where noted,
the rules established in Subchapter A of this chapter (relating to
General Provisions) and Chapters 1 and 2 (relating to Administration
and Enforcement, respectively) of this title apply to the CSBG Program.
The CSBG Act was amended by the "Community Services Block Grant Amendments
of 1994" and the Coats Human Services Reauthorization Act of 1998.
The Secretary is authorized to establish a community services block
grant program and make grants available through the program to states
to ameliorate the causes of poverty in communities within the states.
Although Eligible Entities receive an allocation of CSBG funds, the
CSBG program is not an entitlement program for eligible customers.
(b) The Texas Legislature designates the Department
as the lead agency for the administration of the CSBG program pursuant
to Tex. Gov't Code, §2306.092. CSBG funds are made available
to Eligible Entities to carry out the purposes of the CSBG program.
(c) Except as otherwise noted herein all references
in this subchapter to an Eligible Entity's board means both the governing
board of the Private Nonprofit or the advisory board of the Public
(d) Definitions.
(1) Community Action Plan (CAP)--A plan required by
the CSBG Act which describes the local Eligible Entity service delivery
system, how coordination will be developed to fill identified gaps
in services, how funds will be coordinated with other public and private
resources, and how the local entity will use the funds to support
innovative community and neighborhood based initiatives related to
the grant.
(2) Community Assessment--An assessment of community
needs performed by the Eligible Entity for the areas to be served
with CSBG funds.
(3) CSBG Act--The CSBG Act is a law passed by Congress
authorizing the Community Services Block Grant. The CSBG Act was amended
by the Community Services Block Grant Amendments of 1994 and the Coats
Human Services Reauthorization Act of 1998 under 42 U.S.C. §§9901,
et seq. The CSBG Act authorized establishing a community services
block grant program to make grants available through the program to
states to ameliorate the causes of poverty in communities within the
(4) Direct Customer Support--Includes salaries and
fringe benefits of case management staff as well as direct benefits
provided to customers.
(5) National Performance Indicator (NPI)--A federally
defined measure of performance within the Department's Contract System
for measuring performance and results of Subrecipients of funds and
Eligible Entities.
(6) Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)--A plan developed
by a CSBG Eligible Entity to correct Deficiencies identified by the
Department as further described in §2.203 and §2.204 of
this title (Termination and Reduction of Funding for CSBG Eligible
Entities and Contents of a Quality Improvement Plan, respectively).
(7) Results Oriented Management and Accountability
(ROMA)--ROMA provides a framework for continuous growth and improvement
among Eligible Entities. ROMA implementation is a federal requirement
for receiving federal CSBG funds, outlined in HHS IM 152.
(8) Strategic Plan--A planning document which takes
into consideration the needs of the targeted community and identifies
an organization's vision and mission; its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats; external and internal factors impacting the organization;
and utilizes this information to set goals, objectives, strategies,
and measure to meet over an identified period of time.
(9) Transitioned Out of Poverty (TOP)--A Household
who was CSBG eligible and as a result of the delivery of CSBG-supported
case management services attains an annual income in excess of 125%
of the poverty guidelines for 90 calendar days.
(e) Use of certain terminology. In these rules and
in the Department's administration of its programs, including the
CSBG program, certain terminology is used that may not always align
completely with the terminology employed in the CSBG Act. The term
"monitoring" is used interchangeably with the CSBG Act term "review"
as used in 42 U.S.C. §9915 of the CSBG Act. Similarly, the terms
"findings," "concerns," and "violations" are used interchangeably
with the term "deficiencies as used in 42 U.S.C. §9915 of the
CSBG Act although, in a given context, they may be assigned more specific,
different, or more nuanced meanings, as appropriate.