(a) Persons to whom a license has been issued shall
return the license to the department upon the surrender, revocation
or suspension of the license.
(b) All applicants, licensees, registrants and accredited
facilities shall notify the department of any change(s) of name or
mailing address. Accredited facilities shall notify the department
of any change(s) in the facility name, the name of the safety manager
and the practitioner in charge, the mailing address and physical address.
Written notification to the department and the appropriate fee shall
be submitted to the department within thirty (30) days after a change
is effective. Changes in a facility's physical location or ownership
require a new application for accreditation.
(c) Name changes. Before the department will issue
a new license certificate and identification card, notification of
name changes must be received by the department. Notification shall
include a copy of a marriage certificate, court decree evidencing
the change, or a Social Security card reflecting the licensee's or
registrant's new name.
(d) Consumer complaint information notices. All licensees,
registrants and accredited facilities, excluding facilities that a
licensee visits to treat patients, such as hospitals, nursing homes
or patients' homes, shall prominently display a consumer complaint
notice or sign in a waiting room or other area where it shall be visible
to all patients. Lettering shall be at least one-fourth inch, or font
size 30, in height, with contrasting background, containing the department's
name, website, mailing address, and telephone number for the purpose
of directing complaints to the department regarding a person or facility
regulated or requiring regulation under the Act. Script or calligraphy
prints are not allowed. The notice shall be worded as specified by
the department.
(e) Itemized billing. A facility must provide itemized
billing in accordance with Health and Safety Code, Chapter 185, and
must not pursue debt collection against a patient for a provided health
care service or supply, without having first done so. Failure of a
facility to comply is a ground for enforcement action under Occupations
Code, Chapters 51 and 605, and these rules. The itemized bill must,
in addition to any other requirement of Health and Safety Code, Chapter
185, include:
(1) a plain language description of each distinct health
care service or supply provided to the patient;
(2) if the facility sought or is seeking reimbursement
from a third party, any billing code submitted to the third party
and the amounts billed to and paid by that third party; and
(3) the amount the facility alleges is due from the
patient for each service and supply provided to the patient.