(a) Each Dwelling Unit weatherized requires completion
of a written whole house assessment, unless an alternative process
is approved by the Department. Subrecipient must perform the whole
house assessment then let that assessment guide whether the Dwelling
Unit is best served through DOE and/or LIHEAP-WAP funds utilizing
the Energy Audit or Priority List(s), as applicable.
(b) Any Dwelling Unit that is weatherized using DOE
funds must either use the State of Texas approved Energy Audit or
DOE approved Priority List as a guide for installed measures. A Subrecipient
combining DOE funds with LIHEAP-WAP funds on an individual Dwelling
Unit or building may use the Energy Audit to justify all measures
installed or utilize the DOE and LIHEAP Priority Lists together to
address all measures allowed.
(c) Any Dwelling Unit that is weatherized using LIHEAP
only must be completed using the LIHEAP Priority List as a guide for
installed measures.
(d) If a Subrecipient's Weatherization work does not
consistently meet DOE Standard Work Specifications Weatherization
standards, the Department may proceed with the removal of the programs
from the Subrecipient.