(a) Each applicator business shall register with, and
obtain a registration number from the department.
(b) An applicator business vehicle identification decal,
issued and provided by the department, shall be prominently affixed
to each motor vehicle used by any applicator business that makes applications
in the subcategory landscape maintenance of the lawn and ornamental
pest control license use category, category 3(A) in §7.21 of
this subchapter (relating to Applicator Certification).
(c) The term "prominently affix" as used in this section
means permanently affixed to the rear window, front fender, or front
door panel of the vehicle in a location readily accessible to and
viewable by members of the public and department personnel.
(d) The term "motor vehicle" as used in this section
means any wheeled or tracked vehicle, machine, tractor, trailer, or
semitrailer, but not aircraft, propelled or drawn by mechanical power
and used to transport a person or thing.
(e) A motor vehicle is not required to have the decal
specified by subsection (b) of this section affixed to it if the vehicle
is attached to, pulled by, or transported by another motor vehicle
with a required decal affixed.
(f) A motor vehicle is required to have the decal specified
by subsection (b) of this section affixed to it only when the activities
in subsection (b) of this section are related to a category 3A application.
(g) The decal required by subsection (b) of this section
may be obtained by submitting a request to the department on a form
prescribed by the department.