(a) State publications in physical format. State agencies
must deposit four copies of state publications in physical format
to the State Publications Depository Program except as follows:
(1) State agencies must deposit three copies of the
following state publications:
(A) Annual financial reports; and
(B) Annual operating budgets.
(2) State agencies must deposit two copies of the following
state publications:
(A) Requests for legislative appropriations;
(B) Quarterly and annual reports of measures; and
(C) State or strategic plans (for agency services,
programs within its jurisdiction).
(b) State publications in electronic format. The number
and method of submission of state publications in electronic format
differs depending on whether the electronic state publication is available
online and specific instructions that may apply to the preparation
and distribution of the publication. Unless specific instructions
require otherwise:
(1) If a state publication is available online, a state
agency shall provide the commission online access to the publication.
The state agency is not required to submit an electronic copy of the
state publication on removable electronic storage media. If also available
in print, the URL for the online publication must be included on the
cover or title page of the printed publication submitted in accordance
with subsection (a) of this section;
(2) If a state publication is not available online,
the state agency must submit one copy of each state publication on
removable electronic storage media or other method approved by the
Director and Librarian. Files must be formatted in a readily accessible
format or other file type accessible via software provided to the
commission or that is in the public domain. If the file is compressed,
it must be compressed using lossless compression techniques.
(c) Minimum requirements for electronic submissions.
All submissions of state publications in electronic format for the
State Publications Depository Program must:
(1) Consist of an Adobe Portable Document File (PDF)
or other secure file type accepted at the determination of the Director
and Librarian;
(2) Include a publication reporting form;
(3) Be submitted by the designated state agency publications
liaison(s); and
(4) Include the following descriptive information at
a minimum:
(A) a title tag;
(B) an author meta tag that includes the name of the
state agency responsible for creating the state publication;
(C) a description meta tag that includes a narrative
description of the publication; and
(D) a keyword or subject meta tag that includes selected
terms from within the publication.
(d) Publication reporting form. A state agency must
include a completed publication reporting form with each submission
of a publication in either print or electronic format. If a state
publication is made available to the commission online in compliance
with subsection (b)(1) of this section, the state agency must provide
a completed publication reporting form to the commission when the
agency notifies the commission that the publication is available.
(e) The Texas Records and Information Locator (TRAIL).
TRAIL provides access to state publications that are made available
to the public by state agencies online. A state agency is not required
to submit copies of its state agency websites to the commission for
the State Publications Depository Program. State agencies should ensure
their websites adhere to the following minimum technical requirements
to enable the commission to harvest the website through TRAIL:
(1) Guaranteed access, at no charge, to the state agency's
online state publications. If a "robots.txt" file is used to prevent
harvesting of a State Agency website, then that file must include
an exception for TSLAC's designated harvesting system;
(2) State publications must be accessible:
(A) by anonymous File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Hyper
Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) or other electronic means as defined
in Internet standards documents of the Internet Engineering Steering
Group, Internet Architecture Board, and Internet community; and
(B) by following a link or series of links from the
Agency's primary URL. For publications accessible only by database
searching or similar means, an alternative path such as a hidden link
to a comprehensive site map must be provided except as exempted in §3.5
of this title (relating to Standard Exemptions for State Publications
in All Formats); or
(C) on alternative electronic formats and interfaces
consistent with requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act
of 1990 and as amended.
(3) Each original state publication and subsequent
versions as described in §3.2(c) of this title (relating to Standard
Requirements for State Publications in All Formats) must remain available
on the agency website for a minimum of nine months to ensure that
the publication has been collected by the commission and made available
in TRAIL. Agencies may confirm that a version of an online publication
has been added to the TRAIL archive by searching at www.tsl.texas.gov/trail/index.html.