The following words and terms, when used in this subchapter,
shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates
(1) Available University Fund (AUF)--A fund established
in Article 7, §18, of the Texas Constitution to receive all interest
and earnings of the Permanent University Fund (PUF) and used to pay
the debt service on PUF-backed bonds.
(2) Board--The governing body of the Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board.
(3) Commissioner--The Texas Commissioner of Higher
(4) Coordinating Board--The agency known as the Texas
Higher Education Coordinating Board, including agency staff.
(5) Coordinating Board Staff or Board Staff--Agency
staff acting under the direction of the Board and the Commissioner.
(6) Federal Expenditures--Expenditures of funds reported
as Federal Expenditures, as defined in §13.302 of this title
(relating to Definitions). Amounts exclude R&D expenditures that
do not meet the narrow definition of R&D expenditures used in
the Coordinating Board’s Research Expenditure Survey.
(7) General Academic Teaching Institution--Any college,
university, or institution so classified in Texas Education Code, §61.003(3).
(8) Medical and Dental Unit--Any public health related
institution as defined in Texas Education Code, §61.003(5).
(9) Other Agency of Higher Education--Any agency of
higher education as defined in Texas Education Code, §61.003(6).
(10) Private Expenditures--Expenditures of funds reported
as Business Expenditures, Non-profit Organization Expenditures, and
All Other Expenditures as defined in §13.302 of this title. Amounts
exclude R&D expenditures that do not meet the narrow definition
of R&D expenditures used in the Coordinating Board’s Research
Expenditure Survey.
(11) Research Expenditure Survey--Instrument administered
by the Coordinating Board that establishes total R&D expenditures
for each institution by research field and areas of special interest,
both accounted by funding source, as defined in §13.302 of this
(12) Texas University Fund (TUF)-Eligible Institution--An
institution listed in Texas Education Code, §62.145(a), or an
institution that becomes eligible by meeting the requirements listed
in Texas Education Code, §62.145(b).