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RULE §215.154Dealer's Temporary Tags
Repealed Date:07/01/2025

(a) A dealer's temporary tag may be displayed only on the type of vehicle for which the GDN is issued and for which the dealer is licensed by the department to sell or lease.

(b) A wholesale motor vehicle auction license holder that also holds a dealer GDN may display a dealer's temporary tag on a vehicle that is being transported to or from the licensed auction location.

(c) When an unregistered vehicle is sold to another dealer, the selling dealer shall remove the selling dealer's temporary tag. The purchasing dealer may display its dealer's temporary tag or its dealer's standard or personalized prestige license plate on the vehicle.

(d) A dealer's temporary tag:

  (1) may be displayed on a vehicle only as authorized in Transportation Code, §503.062; and

  (2) may not be displayed on:

    (A) a laden commercial vehicle being operated or moved on the public streets or highways;

    (B) on the dealer's service or work vehicles as described in §215.138(d) of this chapter (relating to Use of Dealer's License Plates);

    (C) a golf cart as defined under Transportation Code, Chapter 551; or

    (D) an off-highway vehicle as defined under Transportation Code, Chapter 551A.

(e) For purposes of subsection (d) of this section, a vehicle bearing a dealer's temporary tag is not considered a laden commercial vehicle when the vehicle is:

  (1) towing another vehicle bearing the same dealer's temporary tags; and

  (2) both vehicles are being conveyed from the dealer's place of business to a licensed wholesale motor vehicle auction or from a licensed wholesale motor vehicle auction to the dealer's place of business.

(f) A dealer's temporary tag may not be used to operate a vehicle for the personal use of a dealer or a dealer's employee.

(g) A dealer's temporary tag must show its expiration date, which must not exceed 60 days after the date the temporary tag was issued.

(h) A dealer's temporary tag may be issued by a dealer to a specific motor vehicle in the dealer's inventory or to a dealer's agent who is authorized to operate a motor vehicle owned by the dealer.

(i) A dealer that issues a dealer's temporary tag to a specific vehicle must ensure that the following information is placed on the temporary tag:

  (1) the vehicle-specific number from the temporary tag database;

  (2) the year and make of the vehicle;

  (3) the VIN of the vehicle;

  (4) the month, day, and year of the temporary tag's expiration; and

  (5) the name of the dealer.

(j) A dealer that issues a dealer's temporary tag to an agent must ensure that the following information is placed on the temporary tag:

  (1) the specific number from the temporary tag database;

  (2) the month, day, and year of the temporary tag's expiration; and

  (3) the name of the dealer.

Source Note: The provisions of this §215.154 adopted to be effective February 11, 2010, 35 TexReg 883; amended to be effective February 13, 2017, 42 TexReg 571; amended to be effective October 21, 2020, 45 TexReg 7441; amended to be effective January 27, 2022, 47 TexReg 662; amended to be effective June 1, 2024, 49 TexReg 2704

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