(a) Principal as Instructional Leader Certificate Standards.
The knowledge and skills identified in this section must be used by
an educator preparation program (EPP) in the development of curricula
and coursework and by the State Board for Educator Certification as
the basis for developing the examinations required to obtain the standard
Principal as Instructional Leader certificate. The standards also
serve as the foundation for the individual assessment, professional
growth plan, and continuing professional education activities required
by 241.30 of this title (relating to Requirements to Renew the Standard
Principal as Instructional Leader Certificate).
(b) School Culture. The principal:
(1) ensures that a positive, collaborative, and collegial
school culture facilitates and enhances the implementation of campus
initiatives and the achievement of campus goals;
(2) uses emerging issues, recent research, demographic
data, knowledge of systems, campus climate inventories, student learning
data, and other information to collaboratively develop a shared campus
(3) facilitates the collaborative development of a
plan in which objectives and strategies to implement the campus vision
are clearly articulated;
(4) supports the implementation of the campus vision
by aligning financial, human, and material resources;
(5) establishes processes to assess and modify the
plan of implementation to ensure achievement of the campus vision;
(6) acknowledges, recognizes, and celebrates the contributions
of students, staff, parents, and community members toward the realization
of the campus vision;
(7) models and promotes the continuous and appropriate
development of all learners, including faculty and staff, in the campus
(8) uses strategies to ensure the development of collegial
relationships and effective collaboration of campus staff;
(9) develops and uses effective conflict-management
and consensus-building skills;
(10) establishes and communicates consistent expectations
for staff and students, providing supportive feedback to ensure a
positive campus environment;
(11) implements effective strategies to systematically
gather input from all campus stakeholders, supporting innovative thinking
and an inclusive culture;
(12) creates an atmosphere of safety that encourages
the social, emotional, and physical well-being of staff and students
and creates an inclusive school environment; and
(13) ensures that parents and other members of the
community are an integral part of the campus culture and fosters parent
(c) Leading Learning. The principal:
(1) creates a campus culture that sets high expectations,
promotes learning, and provides intellectual stimulation for self,
students, and staff;
(2) prioritizes instruction and student achievement
by understanding, sharing, and promoting a clear definition of high-quality
instruction based on best practices from recent research;
(3) routinely monitors and improves instruction by
visiting classrooms, engaging in formative, evidence-based appraisal
processes and conferences with teachers, and attending grade or team
(4) facilitates the use of sound research-based practice
in the development and implementation of campus curricular, co-curricular,
and extracurricular programs to fulfill academic, developmental, social,
and cultural needs, including the needs of students with disabilities;
(5) facilitates campus participation in collaborative
school district planning, implementation, monitoring, and curriculum
revision to ensure appropriate scope, sequence, content, and alignment;
(6) implements a rigorous curriculum aligned with state
standards, including college and career readiness standards;
(7) analyzes the curriculum to ensure that teachers
align content across grades and that curricular scopes and sequences
meet the particular needs of their diverse student populations, including
curriculum and instruction management for students with disabilities;
(8) monitors and ensures staff uses multiple forms
of student data to inform instruction and intervention decisions to
maximize instructional effectiveness and student achievement;
(9) ensures that effective instruction maximizes growth
of individual students and student groups, supports equity, and eliminates
the achievement gap;
(10) ensures staff have the capacity and time to collaboratively
and individually use classroom formative and summative assessment
data to inform effective instructional practices and interventions;
(11) facilitates the use and integration of technology,
telecommunications, and information systems that enhance learning.
(d) Human Capital. The principal:
(1) invests and manages time to prioritize the development,
support, and supervision of the staff to enhance student outcomes;
(2) ensures all staff have clear expectations that
guide them and by which they are assessed, including the use of and
familiarity with evidence-based appraisal rubrics, where applicable;
(3) uses data from multiple points of the year to complete
accurate appraisals of all staff, using evidence from regular observations,
student data, and other sources to evaluate the effectiveness of teachers
and staff;
(4) coaches and develops educators by conducting conferences,
giving individualized feedback, and supporting individualized professional
growth opportunities;
(5) facilitates the campus's professional learning
community to review data, processes, and policies in order to improve
teaching and learning in the school;
(6) creates opportunities for effective staff to take
on a variety of leadership roles and appropriately delegates responsibilities
to staff and administrators on the leadership team;
(7) collaboratively develops, implements, and revises
a comprehensive and on-going plan for professional development of
campus staff that addresses staff needs based on staff appraisal trends,
goals, and student information;
(8) ensures the effective implementation of a continuum
of professional development by the appropriate allocation of time,
funding, and other needed resources;
(9) implements effective, legal, and appropriate strategies
for the recruitment, selection, assignment, and induction of campus
staff; and
(10) plans for and adopts early hiring practices.
(e) Executive Leadership. The principal:
(1) reflects on his or her practice, seeks and acts
on feedback, and strives to continually improve, learn, and grow;
(2) engages in ongoing and meaningful professional
growth activities to further develop knowledge and skills and to model
lifelong learning;
(3) uses strong communication skills, understands how
to communicate a message in different ways to meet the needs of various
audiences, and develops and implements strategies for effective internal
and external communications;
(4) develops and implements a comprehensive program
of community relations, which uses strategies that will effectively
involve and inform multiple constituencies;
(5) establishes partnerships with parents, businesses,
and other groups in the community to strengthen programs and support
campus goals;
(6) demonstrates awareness of social and economic issues
that exist within the school and community that could impact campus
operations and student learning;
(7) gathers and organizes information from a variety
of sources for use in creative and effective campus decision making;
(8) frames, analyzes, and creatively resolves campus
problems using effective problem-solving techniques to make timely,
high-quality decisions;
(9) develops, implements, and evaluates change processes
for organizational effectiveness;
(10) uses effective planning, time management, and
organization of work to maximize attainment of school district and
campus goals; and
(11) keeps staff inspired and focused on the campus
vision while supporting effective change management.
(f) Strategic Operations. The principal:
(1) assesses current campus needs, reviewing a wide
set of evidence to determine the campus's priorities, and sets ambitious
and measurable school goals, targets, and strategies that form the
campus's strategic plan;
(2) outlines and tracks meaningful goals, targets,
and strategies aligned to a school vision that continuously improves
teacher effectiveness and student outcomes;
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