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RULE §321.16Direct Award

Notwithstanding any provision in this chapter, the commission may issue a direct award grant to an entity allowed by law if:

  (1) the grant recipient has entered into an agreement with the consortium under procedures established in Section 482.608(a)(3)(C), Texas Government Code, and:

    (A) the purpose of the grant is to enable the consortium to undertake its duties established under Chapter 482, Texas Government Code; and

    (B) the commission and grant recipient enter a grant agreement(s);

  (2) the board determines that circumstances related to a direct award grant request cannot follow standard application processes because it would result in an entity failing to meet a deadline or similar milestone, and:

    (A) without grant funds, the potential grantee could not successfully undertake the project to which the request relates;

    (B) failure to undertake the project to which the request relates would result in the loss of a significant commercial, civil, or military related opportunity for advancing the space, aeronautics, or aviation industries in the state;

    (C) the commission and grant recipient enter a grant agreement that places sufficient controls on the transaction to ensure the public purpose of the grant is carried out; and

    (D) awarding a direct grant is in the best interest of the state; or

  (3) the board determines a direct award grant is necessary for a potential grantee to respond to a matter of national security, defined by the intelligence community or the national defense strategy, as well as a natural disaster or public health crisis and states of emergency and, as soon as practicable, the commission and grant recipient enter a grant agreement that places sufficient controls on the transaction to ensure the public purpose of the grant is carried out.

Source Note: The provisions of this §321.16 adopted to be effective December 8, 2024, 49 TexReg 9957

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