The following words and terms, when used in this section, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. (1) Dealer--A firm or person other than a flockowner or hatchery who offers poultry or hatching eggs for sale or trade. (2) Flock-- (A) all the poultry and eggs under the same ownership or management on any given premise or on adjacent premises; and (B) all poultry under the control or ownership of a dealer. (3) Hatchery--Equipment on one premises operated or controlled by any person or firm for the hatching of poultry eggs. (4) Infected flock--A flock in which one or more birds has been diagnosed and confirmed by isolation of Salmonella pullorum or Salmonella gallinarum to be infected with pullorum disease or fowl typhoid. (5) Multiplier flock--A flock that originates from a primary breeding flock and that is
intended for production of hatching eggs. (6) Negative test result--An approved testing procedure in which the blood or serum antigen mixture fails to clump. (7) Official test--Serological testing using a Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL) approved testing procedure conducted by a recognized laboratory and/or TVMDL personnel. (8) Positive test result--An approved testing procedure in which there is complete or nearly complete clumping of the blood or serum antigen mixture. (9) Poultry--Chickens, turkeys, game birds, and all other domestic fowl. (10) Primary breeding flock--A flock that is maintained for the purpose of establishing, continuing, or improving parent lines. (11) Products--Poultry or hatching eggs. (12) Recognized laboratory--A laboratory approved by TVMDL for performing approved serological testing procedures and
bacteriological culture techniques. (13) Testing agent--An employee, agent, or representative of TVMDL authorized by TVMDL to perform approved serological testing procedures and bacteriological culture techniques.