(a) A family leave pool is established to provide eligible
employees more flexibility in bonding with and caring for children
during a child's first year following birth, adoption, or foster placement,
and caring for a seriously ill family member or the employee's own
serious illness, including pandemic-related illnesses or complications
caused by a pandemic.
(b) All contributions by employees to the family leave
pool are voluntary. There is no limitation on the amount or frequency
of contributions. Employees who contribute accrued sick or vacation
leave hours to the pool may not designate the contributed hours for
use by a specific employee. An employee who contributes leave hours
to the pool may not withdraw the contributed hours.
(c) An employee may only apply to withdraw time from
the family leave pool if the employee has exhausted all eligible personal
leave due to:
(1) the birth of a child;
(2) the placement of a foster child or adoption of
a child under 18 years of age;
(3) the placement of any person 18 years of age or
older requiring guardianship;
(4) a serious illness to an immediate family member
of the employee, including pandemic-related illness;
(5) an extenuating circumstance created by an ongoing
pandemic, including providing essential care to a family member; or
(6) a previous donation of time to the pool.
(d) The Human Resources Manager for the State Office
of Administrative Hearings is designated as the pool administrator.
(e) The pool administrator shall develop and maintain
a policy, operating procedures, and forms, as necessary, for the administration
of the family leave pool subject to approval by the Chief Administrative
Law Judge.
(f) Operation of the family leave pool shall be consistent
with Texas Government Code, Chapter 661.