(a) The executive director may delegate the administration and performance of the functions required by this subchapter to any local governmental entity wishing to perform the certification functions. The commissioners' court of a county so delegated may designate any agency of the county to perform such certification. (b) Any local governmental entity seeking to obtain delegation to administer and perform the certification functions pursuant to this subchapter shall submit a request to the executive director. The request shall be submitted on a form approved by the executive director. (c) Upon approval of a request to obtain delegation under this section, the executive director shall notify the local governmental entity in writing to provide for the terms and conditions of program assumption, including the executive director's oversight. (d) Any local governmental entity which has been delegated authority pursuant to Texas Water Code, §26.044, is hereby authorized to inspect boat pump-out stations in its designated area. (e) The executive director reserves the right to modify or rescind any powers and functions delegated to any local governmental entity and shall notify immediately the local governmental entity when it modifies or rescinds any such delegation. |