(a) Competency. The licensee shall be knowledgeable
of and adhere to the Act, the rules, applicable codes, and all procedures
established by the department for licensees. It is the obligation
of the licensee to exercise reasonable judgment and skill in the performance
of all duties and work performed as a licensee.
(b) Integrity. A licensee shall be honest and trustworthy
in the performance of all duties and work performed as a licensee,
and shall avoid misrepresentation and deceit in any fashion, whether
by acts of commission or omission. Acts or practices that constitute
threats, coercion, or extortion are prohibited.
(c) Interest. The primary interest of the licensee
is to ensure compliance with the Act, the rules, and all applicable
codes. The licensee's position, in this respect, should be clear to
all parties concerned while in the performance of all duties and work
performed as a licensee.
(d) Specific Rules of Conduct. A licensee shall not:
(1) participate, whether alone or in concert with others,
in any plan, scheme, or arrangement attempting or having as its purpose
the evasion of any provision of the Act, the rules, or the standards
adopted by the commission;
(2) furnish inaccurate, deceitful, or misleading information
to the department, a consumer, or other person while engaged in the
business of electrical contracting, electrical sign contracting, or
residential appliance installation contracting, or performing, or
offering to perform non-exempt electrical work; or
(3) engage in any activity that constitutes dishonesty,
misrepresentation, or fraud while performing as a licensee.