(a) Definitions. The following words and terms when used in this subchapter shall have the following meanings unless the context indicates otherwise. (1) Comptroller--The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts or the comptroller's designee. (2) District--A county appraisal district. (3) Division--The Property Tax Assistance Division of the Office of the Comptroller of Public Accounts. (4) Generally accepted appraisal standards, procedures, and methodology--Standards and procedures adopted or recommended by the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) concerning appraisal, contracting, personnel, and administration of ad valorem taxation, and The Appraisal Foundation's Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. (5) Review--The comptroller's review of the governance of each appraisal district, taxpayer assistance provided, and the operating and appraisal standards, procedures, and methodology used by each appraisal district as required by Tax Code, §5.102. (6) Score--The measure of performance indicated at the conclusion of a review. (7) Study--The property value studies required by Government Code, §403.302 and Tax Code, §5.10. (8) Remedial action--Activities and decisions made by the board of directors of a district that demonstrate awareness of and concern for implementing the review's recommendations and actions taken which demonstrate significant progress towards implementing the recommendations in a timely manner. (b) Biennial Review. A review of every district shall be conducted once every two years according to a schedule in which approximately one-half of the districts are subject to reviews each year. The comptroller may determine the schedule of reviews and assignments of districts based on considerations which include, but are not limited to, the efficient use of comptroller resources and coordination with the schedule for conducting the study. (c) Scope of Review. The review shall be based on requirements of the Tax Code, comptroller rules, other laws, and generally accepted appraisal standards, procedures and methodology. The division shall develop questions, conduct physical inspections of property and appraisal records, and use other methods that are designed to determine compliance with these requirements and to develop a score. Compliance with §§9.3001, 9.3002, 9.3003, and 9.3004 of this title (relating to Appraisal Cards; Tax Maps; Uniform Tax Records System; and Appraisal Records of All Property) is mandatory and required to obtain a passing score. (d) Scores. The results of a district review shall be scored at the conclusion of the review. Scores shall include pass or fail determinations for compliance requirements deemed mandatory by the comptroller. A district must pass all mandatory compliance requirements in order for a school district to be in compliance with the requirements of Government Code, §403.3011(2)(D). A recommendation shall be made by the division for each indication of non-compliance. Scores for other requirements shall be divided into the following categories: (1) governance; (2) taxpayer assistance; (3) district operations; and (4) appraisal standards, procedures and methodology. (e) Reporting. The division shall provide a draft report of the review findings and recommendations to the district's chief appraiser by September 1 or as soon thereafter as practicable by United States Postal Service first-class mail or by e-mail. The review for each district shall be completed by the division no later than December 31. As soon thereafter as practicable, the division shall publish on the comptroller's website the comptroller's findings and recommendations for improvement resulting from the review. At or reasonably promptly after the findings and recommendations for improvement resulting from the review are published on the comptroller's website, the comptroller shall, by United States Postal Service first-class mail or by e-mail, notify the following that the findings and recommendations have been published: the district's chief appraiser and board of directors and the superintendent and board of trustees of each school district participating in the district. (f) Compliance with review recommendations. The district and its board of directors shall take remedial action reasonably designed to ensure substantial compliance with each recommendation in the review within 12 months from the date that the results of the review were delivered as required by this section. The comptroller shall determine substantial compliance during December of the year following the year of the review. Substantial compliance may be determined if the district has taken remedial action for each recommendation in the review. If the comptroller determines that the district has not achieved substantial compliance, the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation shall be notified and provided copies of the results and recommendations of the review within 30 days of the comptroller's determination. |