(a) A training and examination program on sexual abuse
and child molestation must be approved by the department prior to
being offered and shall at a minimum include training and an examination
(1) the definitions and effects of sexual abuse and
child molestation;
(2) the typical patterns of behavior and methods of
operation of child molesters and sex offenders that put children at
(3) the warning signs and symptoms associated with
sexual abuse or child molestation, recognition of the signs and symptoms,
and the recommended methods of reporting suspected abuse;
(4) the recommended rules and procedures to implement
to address, reduce, prevent, and report suspected sexual abuse or
child molestation;
(5) the need to minimize one-on-one isolated encounters
between an adult and a minor; and
(6) the risk of sexual activity between campers, steps
to prevent sexual activity between campers, and how to respond if
sexual activity between campers occurs.
(b) The training program shall last for a minimum of
one hour and discuss each of the topics described in subsection (a)
of this section.
(c) The examination shall consist of a minimum of 25
questions that cover each of the topics described in subsection (a)
of this section.
(d) To successfully complete the training program,
each employee must achieve a score of 70% or more correct on an individual
examination. If the examination is taken on-line, the employee shall
retain a certificate of completion indicating successful completion
of the course.
(e) Training and examination program providers shall
issue a certificate or similar record indicating successful completion
of the program training to individuals who have successfully completed
a campus program for minors training and examination program on sexual
abuse and child molestation. For individuals employed by campus programs
overseen, managed, operated or run by different institutions of higher
education, such certificate, or similar record, shall be presumptive
proof that the named individual has successfully completed the training
required under these rules.
(f) Applicants for a training and examination program
required to be approved in subsection (a) of this section shall pay
a fee of $125 to cover the costs of the department's initial review
and an additional $125 fee for each follow-up review of a training
and examination program.
(g) Applications shall be made on forms provided by
the department and fees shall be mailed to the Environmental and Sanitation
Licensing Group, Department of State Health Services, Mail Code 2003,
P.O. Box 149347, Austin, Texas 78714-9347. Application forms may be
obtained by calling the Environmental and Sanitation Licensing Group
at (512) 834-6600 or may be downloaded from http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/youthcamp/default.shtm.
(h) The department, at least every five years from
the date of initial approval, shall review each training and examination
program approved by the department to ensure the program continues
to meet the criteria and guidelines established under this section.
(i) A program operator shall consider the costs of
compliance with this section in determining any charges or fees imposed
and collected for participation in the campus program for minors.