(a) Cancellation or Suspension of Grants. The Board
has the right to reject all applications and cancel a grant solicitation
at any point.
(b) Notice of Grant Award (NOGA). Before release of
funds, the successful applicants must sign a NOGA issued by the Board.
(c) Reporting. Grantees must file reports with the
Board as required by the Request for Applications, Notice of Grant
Award, and any amendments thereto according to the schedule and format
determined by the Board.
(d) Return of Funds. Grantee is required to return
to the Board unexpended funds and remaining funds if award is terminated
or Grantee is unable to fill the position or expend the funds within
the grant period.
(e) Reimbursement. Grantee shall reimburse the Board
for funds expended on unallowed or unauthorized costs.