(a) General. This section establishes operating procedures
for the Windham School District (WSD) Board of Trustees (board) to
conduct business.
(b) Organization.
(1) The Texas Board of Criminal Justice (TBCJ) serves
as the WSD board, pursuant to Chapter 19, Texas Education Code. The
TBCJ is a nine member body appointed by the governor to oversee the
Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ). The TBCJ chairman, who
serves as the board chairman, is designated by and serves at the request
of the governor pursuant to Texas Government Code §492.005.
(2) The board operates utilizing the same officers
and structure established by the TBCJ.
(3) The chairman, on behalf of the board, is empowered
to appoint members of the board to be members or chairs of standing
or limited-purpose committees, or to serve as liaisons to the WSD
on particular subject areas within the WSD's jurisdiction. The purpose
of a committee, if appointed, is to have certain members become particularly
familiar with various issues and to facilitate discussion and recommend
potential strategies as appropriate.
(c) Meetings.
(1) The board shall hold its regular meetings in conjunction
with those of the TBCJ.
(2) The TBCJ and the board shall attempt to hold a
regular meeting at least every other month of the year, but shall
meet at least once each quarter of the calendar year pursuant to Texas
Government Code §492.006. Special called meetings can be held
at the discretion of the board chairman.
(3) Meetings shall be held in Austin or Huntsville,
Texas. If the board uses video conference technology to convene a
meeting, at least one conference site must be located in Huntsville
or Austin. To convene a video conference meeting, a quorum of the
board must be present at one of the video conference sites. The other
members may convene using the technology from remote sites.
(4) The agenda and date for the board meetings shall
be set by the board chairman in consultation with the WSD superintendent.
(5) The agenda for committee meetings shall be set
by the board chairman in consultation with the committee's chairman
and the WSD superintendent. If the board committee uses video conference
technology to convene a meeting, at least one conference site must
be located in Huntsville or Austin. To convene a video conference
meeting, a quorum of the committee must be present at one of the video
conference sites. The other member(s) may convene using the technology
from remote sites.
(6) A majority of the board, or of a committee of the
board, constitutes a quorum for the convening of and transaction of
business at any meeting. A quorum of a committee with two members
consists of both members.
(7) Meetings of the board and its committees shall
be conducted according to standard parliamentary procedures.
(8) Board meetings are governed by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government
Code §§551.001 - .146.
(9) The WSD superintendent, in coordination with appropriate
TDCJ staff, shall ensure members are provided the materials necessary
to conduct the business of the board and its committees well in advance
of the meetings.
(10) The WSD superintendent, in coordination with appropriate
TDCJ staff, shall ensure the minutes of each meeting are prepared,
retained, and filed with the Legislative Reference Library, and made
available to the public. The minutes shall state the subject matter
of each deliberation and shall indicate each vote, order, decision,
or other action taken by the board.
(11) Requests by the public to make presentations or
comments to the board are governed by 19 Texas Administrative Code
§300.1, pursuant to Texas Government Code §492.007 and §551.042.
(12) The board shall approve meeting minutes for any
committees deleted, renamed, or for which their limited-purpose has
(13) Prior to each regularly scheduled meeting, the
board shall offer the opportunity for:
(A) The WSD superintendent to present any item relating
to the WSD as determined by the superintendent or the board chairman.
(B) The board chairman to present any item relating
to the board or the WSD as determined by the board chairman in consultation
with the WSD superintendent.
Source Note: The provisions of this §300.2 adopted to be effective April 22, 2004, 29 TexReg 3790; amended to be effective October 7, 2007, 32 TexReg 6782; amended to be effective May 13, 2012, 37 TexReg 3408; amended to be effective January 1, 2017, 41 TexReg 10333 |