(a) Applicability. All users and developers of geographic
datasets and geographic information systems in state agencies must
comply with the technical standards specified in this section. Activities
conducted by a registered professional land surveyor while engaged
in the practice of professional surveying, as defined in the Professional
Land Surveying Practices Act (Art. 5282c, VTCS) are exempt from these
(b) Implementation guidance. Pursuant to Water Code §16.021(c),
the GIO provides guidance to the Executive Administrator of the Texas
Water Development Board and to the Department of Information Resources
(the department). The guidance provided by the GIO to the department
relates to technology standards developed by the department for geographic
datasets pursuant to Water Code §16.021(e)(4).
(c) Geographic Information Standards.
(1) Geographic dataset acquisition and development.
(A) Standard. An agency planning to acquire, develop,
or enhance a geographic dataset that may correspond to an HPIDS dataset
shall coordinate such activity with the GIO to determine potential
use of the HPIDS master contract.
(B) Procurement of public domain geographic datasets.
An agency that procures a copy of a federal or other public domain
geographic dataset shall make the dataset available to the Texas Natural
Resources Information System (TNRIS). TNRIS will make these datasets
available to other agencies, institutions of higher education, and
to the public.
(2) Geographic dataset exchange: Data format. An agency
that originates or adds data content to a non-proprietary geographic
dataset and distributes the dataset to another state agency, institution
of higher education, or the public must make the dataset available
in at least one digital format that is recognized by the most commonly
used geographic information systems. This requirement does not preclude
the agency from offering the dataset in other data formats. The GIO
provides guidance on acceptable formats for data exchange.
(3) Geographic dataset documentation.
(A) Preparation. An agency shall prepare documentation
for each geographic dataset that it both:
(i) originates and/or adds data content to; and
(ii) distributes as a standard product to another state
agency, institution of higher education, or the public.
(B) Statement of Purpose. Documentation shall include
a statement of the purpose or intended use of the dataset and a disclaimer
warning against unintended uses of the dataset. If an agency is aware
of specific inappropriate uses of the dataset which some users may
be inclined to make, the dataset disclaimer shall specifically warn
against those uses.
(C) Format. This documentation shall be in a geospatial
metadata format specified by the GIO.
(D) Delivery. In responding to a request for a geographic
dataset, an agency shall provide the requestor a copy of the documentation.
(4) GIS map product disclaimer. Any map product, in
paper or electronic format, produced using geographic information
system technology and intended for official use and/or distribution
outside the agency, shall include a disclaimer statement advising
against inappropriate use. If the nature of the map product is such
that a user could incorrectly consider it to be a survey product,
the disclaimer shall clearly state that the map is not a survey product.