(a) Protective isolation may be used as a last resort
only when:
(1) a resident is physically threatened by a resident
or a group of residents;
(2) less restrictive measures are inadequate to keep
the resident safe; and
(3) the decision is approved in writing by the facility
(b) Protective isolation may be used only until alternative
means for keeping the resident safe can be arranged.
(c) While a resident is in protective isolation, a
juvenile supervision officer shall observe and record the resident's
behavior at random intervals not to exceed 15 minutes, unless supervision
requirements in §343.348 or §343.350 of this title apply.
(d) If the protective isolation of a resident exceeds
24 hours, the facility administrator shall immediately conduct a documented
review of the circumstances surrounding the level of threat faced
by the resident and make a determination as to whether other less
restrictive protective measures are appropriate and available. If
continued protective isolation is approved, the facility administrator
shall ensure that the review document includes a plan to ensure the
isolated resident is provided all required program services during
the period of protective isolation.
(e) Documentation that identifies the threat faced
by the resident shall be placed in the resident's file.