(a) Introduction. The following treatment and disposition
methods for special waste from health care-related facilities are
approved by the department for the waste specified. Where a special
waste from a health care-related facility is also subject to the sections
in Chapter 289 of this title (relating to Radiation Control), the
sections in Chapter 289 shall prevail over the sections in this subchapter.
Disposal of special waste from health care-related facilities in sanitary
landfills or otherwise is under the jurisdiction of the Texas Commission
on Environmental Quality and is governed by its rules found in 30
TAC Chapter 326 (relating to Medical Waste Management) and Chapter
330 (relating to Municipal Solid Waste).
(1) Animal waste. Animal waste shall be subjected to
one of the following methods of treatment and disposal.
(A) Carcasses of animals intentionally exposed to pathogens
shall be subjected to one of the following methods of treatment and
(i) steam disinfection followed by deposition in a
sanitary landfill;
(ii) incineration followed by deposition of the residue
in a sanitary landfill;
(iii) carcasses of animals intentionally exposed to
pathogens which are not contagious may be buried on site under the
supervision of a veterinarian licensed to practice veterinary medicine
in the State of Texas;
(iv) carcasses of animals intentionally exposed to
pathogens which are not contagious may be sent to a rendering plant;
(v) moist heat disinfection followed by deposition
in a sanitary landfill;
(vi) chlorine disinfection/maceration followed by deposition
in a sanitary landfill; or
(vii) an approved alternate treatment process followed
by deposition in a sanitary landfill.
(B) Body parts of animals intentionally exposed to
pathogens shall be subjected to one of the following methods of treatment
and disposal:
(i) steam disinfection followed by deposition in a
sanitary landfill;
(ii) steam disinfection followed by grinding and discharging
into a sanitary sewer system;
(iii) incineration followed by deposition of the residue
in a sanitary landfill;
(iv) body parts of animals intentionally exposed to
pathogens which are not contagious may be buried on site under the
supervision of a veterinarian licensed to practice veterinary medicine
in the State of Texas;
(v) moist heat disinfection followed by deposition
in a sanitary landfill;
(vi) chlorine disinfection/maceration followed by deposition
in a sanitary landfill; or
(vii) an approved alternate treatment process followed
by deposition in a sanitary landfill.
(C) Bulk whole blood, serum, plasma, and/or other blood
components from animals intentionally exposed to pathogens shall be
subjected to one of the following methods of treatment and disposal:
(i) steam disinfection followed by deposition in a
sanitary landfill;
(ii) steam disinfection followed by grinding and discharging
into a sanitary sewer system;
(iii) incineration followed by deposition of the residue
in a sanitary landfill;
(iv) thermal inactivation followed by deposition in
a sanitary landfill;
(v) thermal inactivation followed by grinding and discharging
into a sanitary sewer system;
(vi) chemical disinfection followed by deposition in
a sanitary landfill;
(vii) chemical disinfection followed by grinding and
discharging into a sanitary sewer system;
(viii) bulk blood, serum, plasma, and/or other blood
components of animals intentionally exposed to pathogens which are
not contagious may be buried on site under the supervision of a veterinarian
licensed to practice veterinary medicine in the State of Texas;
(ix) moist heat disinfection followed by deposition
in a sanitary landfill;
(x) chlorine disinfection/maceration followed by deposition
in a sanitary landfill; or
(xi) an approved alternate treatment process followed
by deposition in a sanitary landfill.
(D) Bedding of animals intentionally exposed to pathogens
shall be subjected to one of the following methods of treatment and
(i) steam disinfection followed by deposition in a
sanitary landfill;
(ii) incineration followed by deposition of the residue
in a sanitary landfill;
(iii) bedding of animals intentionally exposed to pathogens
which are not contagious may be buried on site under the supervision
of a veterinarian licensed to practice veterinary medicine in the
State of Texas;
(iv) moist heat disinfection followed by deposition
in a sanitary landfill;
(v) chlorine disinfection/maceration followed by deposition
in a sanitary landfill; or
(vi) an approved alternate treatment process followed
by deposition in a sanitary landfill.
(2) Bulk human blood, bulk human blood products, and
bulk human body fluids. Bulk human blood, blood products, and body
fluids shall be subjected to one of the following methods of treatment
and disposal:
(A) discharging into a sanitary sewer system;
(B) steam disinfection followed by deposition in a
sanitary landfill;
(C) incineration followed by deposition of the residue
in a sanitary landfill;
(D) chemical disinfection followed by deposition in
a sanitary landfill;
(E) chemical disinfection followed by grinding and
flushing into a sanitary sewer system;
(F) thermal inactivation, followed by deposition in
a sanitary landfill;
(G) thermal inactivation, followed by grinding and
discharging into a sanitary sewer system;
(H) moist heat disinfection followed by deposition
in a sanitary landfill;
(I) chlorine disinfection/maceration followed by deposition
in a sanitary landfill; or
(J) an approved alternate treatment process followed
by deposition in a sanitary landfill.
(3) Microbiological waste. Microbiological waste shall
be subjected to one of the following methods of treatment and disposal.
(A) Discarded cultures and stocks of infectious agents
and associated biologicals shall be subjected to one of the following
methods of treatment and disposal:
(i) steam disinfection followed by deposition in a
sanitary landfill;
(ii) incineration followed by deposition of the residue
in a sanitary landfill;
(iii) thermal inactivation followed by deposition in
a sanitary landfill;
(iv) chemical disinfection followed by deposition in
a sanitary landfill;
(v) moist heat disinfection followed by deposition
in a sanitary landfill;
(vi) chlorine disinfection/maceration followed by deposition
in a sanitary landfill; or
(vii) an approved alternate treatment process followed
by deposition in a sanitary landfill.
(B) Discarded cultures of specimens from medical, pathological,
pharmaceutical, research, clinical, commercial, industrial and veterinary
laboratories shall be subjected to one of the following methods of
treatment and disposal:
(i) steam disinfection followed by deposition in a
sanitary landfill;
(ii) incineration followed by deposition of the residue
in a sanitary landfill;
(iii) thermal inactivation followed by deposition in
a sanitary landfill;
(iv) chemical disinfection followed by deposition in
a sanitary landfill;
(v) moist heat disinfection followed by deposition
in a sanitary landfill;
(vi) chlorine disinfection/maceration followed by deposition
in a sanitary landfill; or
(vii) an approved alternate treatment process followed
by deposition in a sanitary landfill.
(C) Discarded live and attenuated vaccines, but excluding
the empty containers thereof, shall be subjected to one of the following
methods of treatment and disposal:
(i) steam disinfection followed by deposition in a
sanitary landfill;
(ii) incineration followed by deposition of the residue
in a sanitary landfill;
(iii) thermal inactivation followed by deposition in
a sanitary landfill;
(iv) chemical disinfection followed by deposition in
a sanitary landfill;
(v) moist heat disinfection followed by deposition
in a sanitary landfill;
(vi) chlorine disinfection/maceration followed by deposition
in a sanitary landfill; or
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