The following words, terms, acronyms, and concepts when used
in this subchapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the
context clearly indicates otherwise. Terms defined in Texas Government
Code §441.180 shall have the meaning assigned by statute.
(1) Archival state record--Archival state record has
the meaning as defined in Texas Government Code §441.180(2).
(2) ARIS--Archives and Information Services division
of the commission.
(3) Digital Rights Management--Various access control
technologies that are used to restrict usage or access of proprietary
hardware, software, or copyrighted works by controlling the use, modification
and distribution of records, as well as systems within devices that
enforce these policies.
(4) Electronic state record--Information that meets
the definition of a state record in the Texas Government Code §441.031
and §441.180, and is maintained in electronic format for computer
processing, including the product of computer processing of the information.
Any state record may be created or stored electronically in accordance
with standards and procedures adopted as administrative rules of the
commission as authorized by Texas Government Code §441.189.
(5) Essential state record--See Vital state record.
(6) Final disposition--Final processing of state records
by either destruction or archival preservation by the commission,
by a state agency, or by an alternate archival institution as permitted
by Texas Government Code Chapter 441, Subchapter L and 13 TAC §6.1(10).
(7) Information systems--The combination of information,
technology, processes, and people brought together to support a given
business objective .
(8) Institution of higher education--SEE State agency.
(9) Metadata--Data that summarizes basic information
about a record, and which can facilitate tracking, locating, verifying
authenticity, or working with specific records or data. Examples include
but are not limited to author, date created, date modified, file extension,
and file size.
(10) Migration--In a computer environment, the act
of moving data or records in electronic form from one hardware or
software system or configuration to another so that they may continue
to be understandable and usable for as long as they are needed.
(11) Records management program--The program of a state
agency undertaken on a continuing and active basis (i.e. not a project)
to apply management techniques to the creation, use, maintenance,
retention, preservation, and destruction of state records as required
by Texas Government Code §441.183.
(12) Records series--A group of identical or related
records that are normally used and/or filed together, and that permit
evaluation as a group for retention scheduling purposes as defined
in 13 TAC §6.1(13).
(13) State agency--State agency has the meaning as
defined in Texas Government Code §441.180(9).
(14) Structured data--Data that resides in fixed fields
within a record or file. Relational databases and spreadsheets are
examples of structured data.
(15) Vital state record--Vital state record has the
meaning as defined in Texas Government Code §441.180(13).