(a) The Intense Plus Service Level is designed to address
chronically serious to severe emotional and/or behavioral management
problems that interfere with the child’s ability to function
in a family, school, or community setting outside of a therapeutic
environment. Children at the Intense Plus Service Level do not generally
function socially in an appropriate manner, and the child’s
emotional functioning is largely incongruent with chronological age.
At this level, children frequently have serious to severe outbursts
that make it difficult for them to participate in routines or accept
responsibility for behavior.
(b) Children at the Intense Plus Service Level display:
(1) all of the characteristics of the Intense Service
Level as described in §700.2363 of this title (relating to What
are the characteristics of a child that needs the Intense Service
Level?); and
(2) a history of poor or inconsistent response to treatment
as well as attempted multiple, unsuccessful interventions that have
resulted in no remission of symptoms; or
(3) characteristics and history that make successful
treatment at a lower service level unsuccessful, such as:
(A) extreme and recurring episodes of physical aggression
that causes harm;
(B) extreme and recurring episodes of sexually aggressive
(C) chronic runaway behaviors, including any exposure
to or risk of human trafficking;
(D) certain medical conditions such as diabetes requiring
injections or dialysis; and
(E) other characteristics specified by the contract.