(a) The department may prohibit the use of LHR devices
that pose a significant threat or endanger occupational or public
health and safety, in accordance with §118.2.
(b) A person shall not operate a LHR facility unless
the person holds a certificate of LHR registration issued by the department
in accordance with this chapter.
(c) An individual shall not use LHR devices to perform
or attempt to perform LHR procedures unless the person holds the individual
LHR certificate issued by the department in accordance with this chapter.
(d) An individual shall not operate a laser hair removal
device with the intent to treat an illness, disease, injury, or physical
defect or deformity unless the individual is:
(1) a physician;
(2) acting under a physician's order; or
(3) authorized under other law to treat the illness,
disease, injury, or physical defect or deformity in that manner.
(e) A person who violates subsection (d), is practicing
medicine in violation of Occupations Code, Title 3, Subtitle B, and
is subject to the penalties under that subtitle and under Health and
Safety Code, §401.522.
(f) A person shall not operate a LHR facility from
a person's living quarters. A LHR facility shall be separated from
living quarters by complete floor to ceiling partitioning and shall
contain no access to living quarters.