(a) State Strategic Plan for Information Resources
Management Advisory Committee.
(1) This advisory committee shall consist of at least
nine and not more than 21 members appointed by the department Executive
Director with the approval of the board. Members should have a demonstrated
ability to think strategically and to work towards consensus building
in a committee setting. The membership will include at least:
(A) two information resources managers, or a designee,
from Texas state agencies other than a university system or institution
of higher education as defined in Education Code, §61.003;
(B) one representative from a state university system
or institution of higher education as defined in Education Code, §61.003;
(C) one member of the public;
(D) one representative from a local government organization
in the state that is knowledgeable about computing and/or telecommunications;
(E) three representatives from the computing and/or
telecommunications industry;
(F) one representative from a federal agency that is
knowledgeable about computing and/or telecommunications.
(2) Should the Executive Director or board be unable
to identify and approve an appropriate candidate in any of the categories
as outlined in paragraph (1)(B) - (F) of this subsection, the Executive
Director may select additional candidates from paragraph (1)(A) of
this subsection.
(3) When determining the composition of the advisory
committee, the Executive Director may not appoint a greater number
of representatives from the private sector than the public sector.
(4) Once the board approves the membership of the advisory
committee, no additional members may be added without board approval.
(5) This advisory committee shall be appointed after
November 30 of every odd-numbered year for a term to expire on November
30 of the following odd-numbered year.
(6) This advisory committee shall:
(A) review and advise on the development of the State
Strategic Plan for Information Resources Management as it is prepared
for publication pursuant to the Information Resources Management Act,
Texas Government Code Annotated, Chapter 2054;
(B) meet at least once during its term;
(C) develop a strategic direction of what the future
of computing and telecommunications technology is for state government
as a whole.
(7) The department may elect to provide professional
facilitation for any meetings the Advisory Committee may hold.
(8) The department may elect to have department staff
present at Advisory Committee meetings.
(9) The department will set the agenda of all Advisory
Committee meetings.
(10) The department may reimburse committee members
for travel expenses related to attending committee meetings pursuant
to state law.
(b) Customer Advisory Committee
(1) This advisory committee is composed of representatives
of customers who receive services from each of the department's key
programs, including state agencies with fewer than 100 employees,
and the public.
(2) In making appointments to the advisory committee,
the board shall, to the extent practicable, ensure that the committee
is composed of a cross-section of the department's customers, including
representatives of primary customer groups, institutions of higher
education, and the public.
(3) The advisory committee shall:
(A) report to and advise the board on the status of
the department's delivery of critical statewide services;
(B) meet at least once each fiscal year.