(a) Within five days after you receive notification
of a deficiency described in §747.307 of this division (relating
to What are the notification requirements when Licensing finds my
child-care home deficient in a standard related to safe sleeping or
the abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a child?), you must notify
the parents of each child attending your child-care home at the time
of the notification, including a child who may not have been in care
on the day of the actual incident.
(b) If the deficiency is for a safe sleeping standard,
you must notify the parents using Form 2970, Notification of Safe
Sleeping Deficiency, located on the Licensing provider website.
(c) If the deficiency is for the standard related to
the abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a child in care, you must notify
the parents using Form 7266, Notification of Abuse/Neglect/Exploitation
Deficiency, located on the Licensing provider website.