(a) A school district or an open-enrollment charter
school shall provide instruction to students in Grades 7-12 in cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR) and the use of an automated external defibrillator
(AED). The instruction:
(1) may be provided as a part of any course; and
(2) shall be provided to each student at least once
before graduation from high school.
(b) CPR instruction shall include training for students
in CPR techniques and the use of an AED.
(c) The training shall have been developed:
(1) by the American Heart Association or the American
Red Cross; or
(2) using nationally recognized, evidence-based guidelines
for emergency cardiovascular care and incorporating psychomotor skills
to support the instruction.
(d) A school district or an open-enrollment charter
school may use emergency medical technicians, paramedics, police officers,
firefighters, representatives of the American Heart Association or
the American Red Cross, teachers, other school employees, or other
similarly qualified individuals to provide CPR instruction and training
under this section. Except as specified in subsection (e) of this
section, an instructor of this training is not required to be certified
in CPR.
(e) Instruction provided under this section is not
required to result in certification by a student in CPR or the use
of an AED. If instruction is intended to result in certification in
CPR or the use of an AED, the course instructor must be authorized
to provide the instruction by the American Heart Association, the
American Red Cross, or a similar nationally recognized association.
(f) A school district or an open-enrollment charter
school may waive the requirement under this section for a student
who, due to a disability, is unable to complete the requirement. The
determination regarding a student's ability to complete the CPR or
AED requirements will be made by:
(1) the student's ARD committee if the student receives
special education services under Texas Education Code (TEC), Chapter
29, Subchapter A; or
(2) the committee established for the student under
Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 United States Code, §794)
if the student does not receive special education services under TEC,
Chapter 29, Subchapter A, but is covered by the Rehabilitation Act
of 1973.
(g) The requirement to receive instruction in CPR applies
to any student who entered Grade 7 in the 2010-2011 school year and
(h) The requirement to receive instruction in the use
of an AED applies to any student who entered Grade 7 in the 2024-2025
school year and thereafter.