(a) If you are applying for:
(1) A permit other than a compliance certificate, we
have 21 days after receiving your application to review the paperwork;
(2) A compliance certificate, we have 10 days after
receiving your application to review the paperwork.
(b) After the review of your application, we will notify
you in writing that:
(1) There is good cause to delay the timeframe for
making a determination on the application, consistent with §745.327
of this subchapter (relating to When does Licensing have good cause
for exceeding its timeframes for processing my application?);
(2) You are ineligible to apply for a permit;
(3) Your application is complete and accepted for processing;
(4) Your application is incomplete. The notification
letter will:
(A) Identify any application materials that you submitted
that do not show compliance with relevant minimum standards, rules,
and statutes; and
(B) Explain what you must do to complete the application.