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RULE §3.1002Mixed Beverage Sales Tax

(a) Definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this section, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

  (1) Alcoholic beverage--Alcohol, or any beverage containing more than 0.5% of alcohol by volume, which is capable of use for beverage purposes, either alone or diluted.

  (2) Complimentary alcoholic beverage--An alcoholic beverage served without any consideration paid to the permittee.

  (3) Governmental entity--The United States; an unincorporated instrumentality of the United States; a corporation that is an agency or instrumentality of the United States and is wholly owned by the United States or by another corporation wholly owned by the United States; the state of Texas; a county, city, special district, or other political subdivision of Texas; or other state or governmental unit boarding Texas but only to the extent those units exempt or do not impose tax on similar sales of items to Texas or a political subdivision of Texas.

  (4) Nonprofit organization--An organization that is exempted from the sales and use tax imposed under Tax Code, Chapter 151, by operation of Tax Code, §151.310(a) (Religious, Educational, and Public Service Organizations).

  (5) Permittee--A person who holds any of the following permits issued by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission: a mixed beverage permit, private club registration permit, private club exemption certificate permit, private club registration permit with a retailer late hours certificate, nonprofit entity temporary event permit, private club registration permit with a food and beverage certificate, mixed beverage permit with a late hours certificate, mixed beverage permit with a food and beverage certificate, or distiller's and rectifier's permit. The term includes an agent, servant, or employee of that person.

(b) Mixed beverage sales tax. A tax at a rate of 8.25% is imposed on each alcoholic beverage sold, prepared, or served by a permittee, and on ice and each nonalcoholic beverage sold, prepared, or served by a permittee to be mixed with alcohol and consumed on the permittee's premises. The sales price of each item on which mixed beverage sales tax is imposed includes, but is not limited to, those items identified in §3.1001(c) of this title. Those items identified in §3.1001(f)(1) - (8) of this title are excluded from the sales price of items on which mixed beverage sales tax is imposed. Mixed beverage sales tax is imposed in addition to the mixed beverage gross receipts tax imposed under Tax Code, Chapter 183, Subchapter B.

(c) Administration, collection, and enforcement of mixed beverage sales tax.

  (1) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, mixed beverage sales tax is administered, collected, and enforced in the same manner as sales and use tax is administered, collected, and enforced in Tax Code, Chapter 151, except:

    (A) a permittee may not deduct or withhold any amount of taxes collected as reimbursement for the cost of collecting the tax, pursuant to Tax Code, §151.423 (Reimbursement to Taxpayer for Tax Collection);

    (B) a permittee may not receive a discount for prepaying the tax, pursuant to Tax Code, §151.424 (Discount for Prepayments); and

    (C) any record, report or other instrument required to be filed by a permittee is not confidential under Tax Code, §151.027(a) (Confidentiality of Tax Information).

  (2) Tax due is debt of the purchaser. Mixed beverage sales tax is a debt of the purchaser to the permittee until collected.

  (3) Tax-included sales price. The total amount shown on a customer's sales invoice, billing, service check, ticket, or other receipt for sales that are subject to mixed beverage sales tax is presumed to be the sales price, without tax included. Contracts, bills, invoices, or other receipts that merely state that "all taxes" are included are not sufficient to relieve either the customer or the permittee of their tax responsibilities on the transaction. The permittee may overcome the presumption by using the permittee's records to show that tax was included in the sales price.

  (4) Record-keeping requirements. Permittees are responsible for creating and maintaining records of purchases and sales as required by §3.1001(j) - (m) and (o) of this title.

  (5) Bad debts. Bad debt deductions from mixed beverage sales tax are treated in the same manner as bad debt deductions from sales tax. For more information on bad debt deductions from sales tax, refer to §3.302 of this title (relating to Accounting Methods, Credit Sales, Bad Debt Deductions, Repossession, Interest on Sales Tax, and Trade-Ins). The exclusion of bad debts from the mixed beverage gross receipts tax base, as established in §3.1001(n) of this title, does not apply to mixed beverage sales tax.

(d) Separate tax disclosure statement.

  (1) A permittee may include on a customer's sales invoice, billing, service check, ticket, or other receipt that includes an item subject to mixed beverage sales tax:

    (A) a statement that mixed beverage sales tax is included in the sales price;

    (B) a separate statement of the amount of mixed beverage gross receipts tax to be paid by the permittee on that sale;

    (C) a separate statement of the amount of mixed beverage sales tax imposed on that item;

    (D) a statement of the combined amount of mixed beverage gross receipts tax and mixed beverage sales tax to be paid on that item; or

    (E) a statement of the combined amount of mixed beverage sales tax and sales and use tax imposed under Tax Code, Chapter 151, to be paid on all items listed on that sales invoice, billing, service check, ticket, or other receipt.

  (2) Mixed beverage gross receipts tax cannot be charged to or paid by the customer. A receipt with a statement of the combined amount of mixed beverage gross receipts tax and mixed beverage sales tax provided in paragraph (1)(D) of this subsection must clearly show that the customer is not being charged mixed beverage gross receipts tax.

  (3) For each receipt with a statement of the combined amount of mixed beverage sales tax and sales and use tax, as provided in paragraph (1)(E) of this subsection, the permittee's books and records must clearly show the amount of mixed beverage sales tax and sales and use tax on each sale of alcohol.

(e) Complimentary beverages. A permittee owes sales and use tax, as imposed by Tax Code, Chapter 151, on the purchase of alcoholic beverages, ice, and nonalcoholic beverages that are ingredients of a complimentary alcoholic beverage or that are served or provided by the permittee, without any consideration from the customer, to be mixed with a complimentary alcoholic beverage and consumed on the permittee's premises. The permittee also owes sales and use tax on taxable items that are furnished with a complimentary alcoholic beverage, such as napkins and straws.

(f) Exemptions; governmental entities; nonprofit organizations; university and student organizations; volunteer fire departments; temporary permit.

  (1) Governmental entity exempt on purchase of alcohol. A governmental entity can claim an exemption from mixed beverage sales tax on the purchase of alcohol in the same manner as a governmental entity can claim exemption from the payment of sales and use tax on the purchase of alcohol under Tax Code, §151.309.

  (2) Purchase of alcohol by nonprofit organization not exempt. A nonprofit organization cannot claim an exemption from the mixed beverage sales tax on the purchase of alcohol. In addition, except as provided in this subsection, a nonprofit organization is responsible for collecting mixed beverage sales tax on the sale, preparation, or service of alcoholic beverages to the same extent that the organization is responsible for paying mixed beverage gross receipts tax on such beverages. For more information, refer to §3.1001(e) of this title.

  (3) Nonprofit organizations; fundraising events.

    (A) The sale, preparation, or service of alcohol is exempt from mixed beverage sales tax when sold by a nonprofit organization that qualifies for exemption from sales and use tax under Tax Code, §151.310(a)(1) or (2) during a qualifying fundraising sale or auction authorized by Tax Code, §151.310(c).

    (B) Except as provided in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, the sale, preparation, or service of alcohol by a nonprofit organization that qualifies for exemption from sales and use tax under Tax Code, §151.310(a)(1) or (2) is computed in the same manner as mixed beverage gross receipts tax is computed in §3.1001(e) of this title.


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