(a) We will notify the person in charge of the child
care operation of the nature of the abuse, neglect, or exploitation
allegation(s) and the investigation procedures at the time of the
first on-site visit to the operation unless:
(1) The allegation(s) is made against the person in
charge, administrator, or director; or
(2) We have reason to believe that disclosing the nature
of the allegation(s) might compromise the investigation.
(b) If we did not notify the person in charge of the
nature of the abuse, neglect, or exploitation allegation at the time
of the first on-site visit to the child care operation because of
the reasons noted in subsection (a) of this section, then we will
notify the permit holder of the operation of the nature of the abuse,
neglect, or exploitation allegation(s) by the next workday following
the first on-site visit, unless we have reason to believe that doing
so might compromise the investigation. If we have reason to believe
the investigation may be compromised, we may also postpone explaining
the nature of the allegation(s) to the permit holder. However, we
must inform the appropriate person(s) of the nature of the allegation(s)
as soon as we decide that doing so will not compromise the investigation.