(a) Irrigators shall:
(1) sign their legal name;
(2) affix the seal above the irrigator's signature;
(3) include the date of signing (month, day, and year)
of each document to which the seal is affixed.
(b) The presence of the irrigator's seal displayed
above the irrigator's signature and date on any document constitutes
the acceptance of all professional responsibility for the document
and the irrigation services performed in accordance with that document.
(c) The irrigator will maintain, for three years, a
copy of each document bearing the irrigator's seal.
(d) Once a document containing a seal is issued, the
seal may not be altered.
(e) Irrigators shall not change any plan or specification
created by another irrigator unless:
(1) the change is made to adapt the plan or specification
to the specific site conditions and to address state and local requirements;
(2) the irrigator accepts full responsibility for any
changes the irrigator makes to the original plan or specification;
(3) the irrigator seals and dates the changes made
to the original irrigation plan.
(f) If an irrigator prepares only a portion of a plan
or specification, that portion of the plan or specification must be
sealed by the irrigator and clearly identified.
(g) Irrigators shall sign, seal and date the irrigation
plan and specifications, contract, addenda or change orders, warranty,
and the maintenance checklist.